Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 35 2020
P. 11

FSUOGM                                        INVESTMENT                                           FSUOGM

       Novatek sets H1 dividends, but

       fails to impress

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA'S second-largest natural gas producer  be important for investors, we see no substantial
                         and liquefied natural gas (LNG) leader Novatek  implications for Novatek's investment case at
      Novatek has        has confirmed its commitment to raising the  this point, as the expected dividend yield is still
      recommended a      dividend payout, as the conditions for removing  fairly low," the investment bank commented.
      dividend of RUB11.8   payout restrictions related to the Yamal LNG   BCS Global Markets estimated that 1H20
      per share for H1 2020.  project have been met, Sberbank CIB wrote to  dividend makes about 47.5% of the normalised
                         clients on August 26 citing the conference call of  net income for the period.
                         the company's management.              "Novatek had signalled it would increase its
                           "In previous years, the payout ratio based  payout significantly in 2020 and a 47.5% payout
                         on adjusted net income has been in the 30-40%  brings it to peer levels. However, Novatek is still
                         range (37% for 2019). Although the dividend  not a high-yielding stock and its market valua-
                         policy has yet to be changed, the company is  tion still infers a very large amount of growth,"
                         moving closer to a 50% payout," the bank wrote.  BCS GM analysts commented.
                           As reported by bne IntelliNews, previously   Assuming the 47.5% is the new target, BCS
                         the company pledged to decide on the dividends  GM estimates the dividend payout at 4.2% div-
                         in 2Q20. For 2Q20 under IFRS Novatek showed  idend yield. While this makes "a good and nec-
                         $2bn in total revenues, $0.99bn total Ebitda  essary step in the maturation of a fast-growing
                         (including joint ventures such as Yamal LNG)  company like Novatek," it will still likely "leave
                         and net income of $0.58bn. The company beat  the stock lagging peers in yield in 2021 and 2022
                         the consensus expectations on its top and bot-  once commodity markets return to normal."
                         tom lines by 2% and 7% respectively.   "In other words, NVTK is still pricing in
                           Novatek recommended a dividend for 1H20  substantial growth from the company’s LNG
                         of RUB11.8 per share (down 17% year on year)  projects over the next decade, and is not yet a
                         implying a 1% semi-annual dividend yield.  high-yield play," BCS GM analysts conclude.
                         Sberbank CIB assumes a full-year dividend   VTB Capital (VTBC) on August 26 also esti-
                         from 2020 normalised net income of RUB27 per  mated the payout at 48% of net income, but sees
                         share, for a 2.4% dividend yield.    the new dividend announcement as only "slightly
                           "While the improved dividend payout may  positive" for the sentiment on Novatek.™

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