Page 9 - FSUOGM Week 14 2021
P. 9

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Lukoil takes Rosneft to supreme

       court over tariff dispute

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Lukoil is taking a long-standing dis-  the company had “established and maintained
                         pute with state-owned rival Rosneft over oil  for several years a monopolistically high and
       The conflict has been   transport tariffs in the country’s Far North to the  economically unjustified price” for handling oil.
       going on since 2018.  supreme court.                     Lukoil sought to overturn the regulator’s rul-
                           The conflict has been going on since 2018,  ing in lower courts but was unsuccessful, and
                         when Rosneft complained to the Federal Anti-  has now resorted to the country’s highest court.
                         monopoly Service (FAS) that Lukoil was charg-  It argues that the high tariffs are necessary to
                         ing too high tariffs for oil transport from the  recoup its investments in the 240,000 barrel per
                         Varandey terminal on the Pechora Sea.  day (bpd) oil terminal.
                           Lukoil currently charges $38 per tonne   Mid-sized oil producer Bashneft began devel-
                         ($5.2 per barrel) to ship oil from Varandey  opment of the Trebs and Titov field in 2010, invit-
                         from the Titov and Trebs oilfields in the Nenets  ing Lukoil to join the project the following year.
                         region. Titov and Trebs are operated by Bash-  The pair launched oil production in 2013. Rosneft
                         neft-Polyus, which is 75% owned by Rosneft and  then entered the venture through its takeover of
                         25% by Lukoil. Rosneft wants to halve the charge  Bashneft in late 2016, securing its majority stake.
                         to $16 per tonne, but Lukoil is understood to be   Trebs and Titov produced only 4.9mn tonnes
                         only willing to consider a $10 discount.  (98,000 bpd) of oil last year, versus 165,000 bpd
                           The FAS ruled in favour of Rosneft in the  in 2017. Rosneft chose in late 2017 to drastically
                         dispute in March 2019, concluding that Lukoil  reduce output at Trebs and Titov to comply with
                         had abused its dominant position in the local  OPEC+ restrictions, conveniently putting extra
                         transhipment market. Rosneft had argued that  pressure on Lukoil as well. ™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Lukoil warns it may mothball Caspian

       field after losing tax breaks

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN oil firm Lukoil has warned it may  subject to EPT because it is a greenfield project.
                         have to mothball the Korchagin oilfield in the  Alekperov therefore asks that the licence be
       The company has   Caspian Sea after losing tax breaks, Kommersant  divided up so it can only move Korchagin to the
       traditionally paid zero   reported on April 5 citing sources.  EPT regime.
       exporty duty on its   Lukoil and other Russian oil producers were   The CEO notes in his letter that Lukoil had
       Caspian offshore oil.  stripped of significant tax breaks at their more  planned to invest a further RUB60bn ($790mn)
                         challenging projects last year under controver-  in Korchagin’s development prior to losing the
                         sial tax reforms backed by the finance ministry  support, having already invested RUB140bn
                         and aimed at increasing payments to the budget.  in the project to date. The cancellation of this
                         The company’s Caspian Sea fields have tradition-  investment will reduce government revenues
                         ally paid zero export duty on their oil, but this  and hurt the local economy, he said. Korchagin
                         break was rescinded at the end of last year.  was brought on stream in 2010.
                            Lukoil CEO Vagit Alekperov wrote a letter   Lukoil similarly said in February it would
                         to First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Bel-  have to revise its investment plans at highly vis-
                         ousov in February warning that the loss of  cous fields after losing its tax breaks. A company
                         support could force the company to reduce its  official said at the time that Lukoil would main-
                         investments at Korchagin or halt production  tain output at the highly viscous Yaregskoye field
                         altogether. The company wants to transfer Kor-  in the Komi region at the current rate of 48,000
                         chagin to a new excess profit tax (EPT) regime,  barrels per day, rather than increasing it to
                         designed to support projects that lost support  75,000 bpd, in light of the changes.
                         during the reforms. But current legislation pre-  This plea apparently did not go unheard,
                         vents offshore fields from being moved to this  with Russian President Vladimir Putin ordering
                         regime.                              a review of the taxation system for this classifi-
                            Complicating matters further, Korchagin  cation of challenging field the following month.
                         is located within the same licence as Lukoil’s  Whether or not Lukoil will be successful in claw-
                         Filanovsky deposit, which cannot be made  ing back any of the lost concessions is unclear. ™

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