Page 14 - DMEA Week 16 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

         The Directorate of Criminal Investigations   released on KES100, 000 ($865.60) cash   reported.
       (DCI) said Mohamed, who is a director of   bail,” said the DCI. Mlolongo is about 20.5   Iran has become self-sufficient in gasoline
       the Green Gas company, faced charges at   kilometres from Kenya’s capital Nairobi.  production and has some of the world’s
       Mavoko law courts after a total of 96 cylinders   Consumers who buy illegally filled   cheapest pump prices due to heavy subsidies.
       belonging to other firms were seized from his   cylinders are typically defrauded by under-  Potential big margins make the temptation
       premises.                           filling. Safety is also compromised, as illegally   to smuggle fuel by land or sea to regional
         “The director of a gas-filling plant in   filled cylinders are not subjected to regular   countries strong. Iran has long seized boats
       Mlolongo Machakos County was today   checks for dents and other deformities.  accused of smuggling fuel in the Persian Gulf
       arraigned in a Mavoko court for filling LPG   BNE                        and Sea of Oman.
       into cylinders of other brands without prior                               IRGC naval units reported 250,000 litres
       written consent,” DCI tweeted on Wednesday,                              of fuel discovered on one of the ships and
       April 13.                           TERMINALS & SHIPPING                 130,000 litres on the other. In just one week,
         In the operation conducted by detectives                               confiscated fuel from boats amounted to
       from the Serious Crimes unit last weekend,   IRGC seizes tankers         650,000 litres, a statement posted on the
       three other suspects who were found filling                              Guard’s official website said.
       the cylinders at the plant were also put behind   carrying smuggled fuel   Last week, the IRGC seized a foreign vessel
       bars.                                                                    carrying 220,000 litres of smuggled fuel in
         “Bidan Ndungu, Abdistar Maalim and   Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps   the Gulf and detained its crew of 11, Iranian
       Adankheir Mohammed were arrested and   (IRGC) said on April 15 that they had   media reported.
       a lorry found transporting the cylinders   seized two vessels carrying 380,000 litres of   BNE
       impounded. The suspects have since been   smuggled fuel, official news agency IRNA

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 16   21•April•2022
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