Page 12 - DMEA Week 16 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              the exports impacted people’s lives,” he added.  National Petroleum Company Limited, Mele
                                           BNE                                  Kyari. The officials of the management of the
       Report claims Iran’s                                                     nation’s refineries were also summoned to
                                                                                appear before the panel.
       exports are much lower              COMPANIES                            had botched the investigative hearing of the
                                                                                  Non-appearance by the stakeholders
       Claims made since March by Iranian officials   Botas granted $400mn loan   committee scheduled for March 31, 2022.
       about sharp increases in oil and petrochemical                             The committee, which condemned the
       exports, achieved in the face of US sanctions,   by local banks          invitees for allegedly shunning a series
       have been proven false as the figures have                               of invitations to its investigative hearing,
       been warped by the inclusion of figures on   Turkey’s government-run natural gas importer  threatened to invoke legislative powers against
       stored goods, according to the conclusions of   Botas has obtained a $400mn short-term   them at a press briefing in Abuja on Thursday.
       an investigation published by Sharghai daily.  loan from two unnamed Turkish banks,   The Chairman of the committee, Mr
         Officials have asserted that oil and   anonymous sources told Bloomberg on April   Ganiyu Johnson, who was miffed by the non-
       petrochemical shipments have even exceeded   21.                         appearance, said, “We have a situation here!”
       levels seen before Washington reimposed   On April 20, Bloomberg quoted unnamed   Johnson recalled that the Speaker of the
       heavy sanctions on Iran in 2018. However,   sources as saying that Deutsche Bank   House, Femi Gbajabiamila, had constituted
       energy analysts interviewed by the newspaper   (Frankfurt/DBK) was in the final stage of talks   this committee to determine the actual cost
       reportedly said that the government had   to extend a €1bn five-year loan to Botas   of rehabilitating the refineries and what is
       manipulated the numbers - they were quoted   under a guarantee that would be provided by   needed to bring them back to maximum
       as saying that, for instance, Iranian oil kept   the Turkish Treasury.   refining capacity.
       stored on tankers at sea was also counted as   In January, sources told Bloomberg   He added that the committee was
       exported oil.                       that Botas was seeking a $2bn loan to pay   mandated to determine the true state of
         “Parts of unsold oil production are   upcoming debts to suppliers, including   the refineries, ascertain the actual cost of
       reserved on the water [in tankers], and other   Russia’s Gazprom (Moscow/GAZP).  rehabilitating the refineries, and what is
       parts are stored in tankers in China, but these   Since November, the Turkish central bank   needed for the refineries to function at
       stored oils are counted as oil exports,” Alireza   has sold USD amounting to $18bn to state-  maximum refining capacity.
       Salehi, an Iranian expert, was cited as saying.  owned enterprises, mainly Botas.  Johnson said, “The committee, therefore,
         Other experts asked why if Tehran had   BNE                            relying on relevant laws and pursuant to
       expanded oil exports to the extent claimed,                              the provisions of Sections 62, 88, and 89 of
       there was no noticeable impact on Iran’s                                 the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
       income and economy.                 REFINING                             Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), requested the
         “If the government’s claims are right,                                 GMD of the Nigerian National Petroleum
       how does the income from the exports enter   Reps allege cover-up on     Corporation to forward a status report on
       the country while we are under [banking]                                 the nation’s Refineries and the actual cost of
       sanctions?” Iranian economist Komeil Taiebi   refineries                 rehabilitating the refineries from 2012 to date.”
       was quoted as saying, adding: “Is this money                               According to the chairman, the details
       also blocked, or does the government sell oil   The House of Representatives’ Ad Hoc   requested from the GMD included an
       for goods? What has the government done   Committee on the State of Refineries in   appraisal of the current state of refineries
       with the oil exports income?”       Nigeria has summoned the Minister of State   in the country - Port Harcourt Refining
         “First, the government should very clearly   for Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva, and   Company, Warri Refining and Petrochemical
       answer these questions, and then we can say if   the Group Managing Director of the Nigerian   Company Limited and Kaduna Refining and

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