Page 7 - DMEA Week 16 2022
P. 7

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         forms part of the MoO’s framework for increas-  and there are obstacles standing in front of it, we
                         ing crude outlets and is perhaps the most likely  will clarify these before the Council of Ministers
                         of the tabled projects.              and Parliament.”
                           “The ministry also planned to establish an oil
                         pipeline with Syria that would reach the Med-  Khor Al-Amaya exports
                         iterranean, but the situation there prevented  While uncertainty about the future of Bas-
                         that, and there are also problems obstructing the  ra-Aqaba looks likely to continue, an MoO affil-
                         work of the Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline, which is  iate expressed optimism that facilities at the port
                         currently used illegally, unfortunately,” he said.  of al-Amaya in Basra could resume operations
                           He added though that the House of Repre-  by the end of the year, ahead of exports restarting
                         sentatives has raised “questions about the eco-  a year later.
                         nomic feasibility of the project and whether Iraq   Ahmed Fadel Dhaim, assistant director-gen-
                         needs a new outlet for oil exports”.  eral for plans and budgets at the Basra Oil Co.,
                                                              said: “There is no problem in the al-Amaya port
                         Representative rejection             and it is ready to work, but the defect in it lies in
                         The following day, representatives of Basra Gov-  the transporting and exporting pipeline,” noting
                         ernorate said they had ‘categorically rejected’ the  that a company is working to locate the fault and
                         framework for the pipeline, citing “injustice and  repair it.
                         prejudice” towards the southern region.  He added: “If it becomes clear that it is pos-
                           Speaking to Iraq’s Al-Sabah national daily,  sible to benefit from the pipeline, it will be com-
                         House of Representatives member Intisar Has-  pletely repaired as a second stage,” noting “the
                         san Al-Moussawi said that Basra representatives  return of work in the port will be at the end of
                         had held an emergency meeting, in which they  this year 2022.”
                         took a unified position, representing “a complete   Dhaim said that the contract to complete a
                         rejection of the Basra-Aqaba project under the  third pipeline is ongoing and “the pipeline may
                         caretaker government”.               enter work at the end of 2023”. BOC said in
                           Meanwhile, former advisor to the Interna-  March that marine pipelines to offshore loading
                         tional Crisis Management at the United Nations,  moorings are part of efforts to increase crude
                         Dr. Nabil Ahmed Al-Amir raised questions  export capacity from the southern ports from
                         about the costs and returns associated with the  3.5mn bpd to 6mn bpd by 2026.
                         project, noting that the Ministry of Finance’s   Dhaim said that the project would include the
                         Sector Planning Department has “reserva-  laying of two 48-inch (1,066-mm) pipelines as
                         tions about the [risk-based] engineering, pro-  well as the construction and installation of new
                         curement, construction and finance (EPCF)  single-point mooring (SPM) facilities, noting
                         contracts”.                          that BOC is preparing a tender worth around
                           Al-Amir also expressed concerns about the  $1bn that will be opened up to international
                         pipeline route, noting that it runs through Wadi  companies.
                         Houran, in which gangs affiliated with ISIS still   Oil exports from KAAOT have been shut in
                         operate, while suggesting that the final stretch of  since leakages occurred in 2017, caused by rup-
                         the line’s proximity to Israel is asking for trouble.  tures in the line.
                         He also appeared to question the appropriate-  In December, BOC deputy manager Ahmed
                         ness of involving Burj Al-Hayat Co. in the devel-  Fadhil said that a Russian company had been
                         opment of the Jordanian section, given that its  awarded a deal to assess and carry out repairs on
                         owner had previously been suspended by the  the 42-inch underwater pipe that feeds the off-
                         Integrity Commission.                shore SPMs. When operations resume, the ter-
                           Meanwhile, as politicking ramps up and ten-  minal is anticipated to operate at around 400,000
                         sions heighten, it appears increasingly obvious  bpd, down from its 600,000 bpd capacity prior to
                         that the current caretaker administration and its  going offline.
                         ministries have their hands largely tied and are   The 6mn bpd figure appears unlikely, but it
                         becoming ‘non grata’ as blocs disassociate them-  accords broadly with Baghdad’s intention of
                         selves and form new allegiances.     raising oil production capacity from the current
                           Abdul Jabbar and the MoO have sought to  5mn bpd to 8mn bpd by 2027, though this num-
                         present an apolitical front, and he concluded:  ber too is likely to be influenced by the make-up
                         “if [the pipeline project] meets the requirements  of the incoming government when it is eventu-
                         and benefit of the ministry, it will proceed. If not  ally appointed.™

       Week 16   21•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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