Page 6 - DMEA Week 16 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Export options make

       headlines in Iraq

       Iraq this week moved to quell talk of an imminent launch of work on a major new pipeline
       to Jordan, though provided optimism about the resumption of exports from a southern port.

        MIDDLE EAST      THE Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO) has denied  the project, while in 2019, $18bn was talked of as
                         that a deal is nearing on a long-planned oil  the sum for constructing an extended version of
                         export pipeline, with proposed plans coming  the line running to Egypt.
       WHAT:             under scrutiny from the House of Represent-  In November 2021, the MoO said that tech-
       Iraq has denied that   atives. Talks around the Basra-Aqaba pipeline  nical and commercial talks were ongoing, but
       a deal is close for the   connecting the oil-rich south-east of Iraq with  added that the project was only likely to proceed
       development of its long-  Jordan and its Red Sea Coast have been inter-  if costs were reduced significantly, offering a
       awaited crude conduit to   mittent since the line was first proposed in 1982.  ballpark figure of “less than $9bn”. In February,
       the Red Sea.        However, tangible progress appeared to be  Jordan’s Kharabsheh noted that the latest price
                         nearing when in January Jordan’s Minister of  range for the development is $7-9bn.
       WHY:              Energy and Mineral Resources, Saleh Kharab-  MoO spokesman Assem Jihad told Al-Iraqiya
       Planning and      sheh, said that a framework agreement had been  News this week that the ministry had received
       development of the   approved by the Iraqi cabinet for a 1mn barrel  two proposals to finance the project at a cost of
       pipeline have now been   per day (bpd) conduit running from Basra to  more than $8bn. He said: “The ministry is seek-
       passed from the current   Aqaba via Haditha in Iraq’s Anbar Governorate.  ing to attract an offer to implement the pipeline
       caretaker administration   Now, though, it seems the project is no clearer to  through a company or a coalition of companies
       to the next government.  fruition – the can is being kicked down the road  that it is establishing at its expense and agreeing
                         and progress should not be expected until a new  to deduct investment expenses over several years
       WHAT NEXT:        government is in place.              because the costs are great.”
       As with its upstream,   Meanwhile, the ministry provided encour-  Jihad added: “There is also an idea that gov-
       Iraq has an ambitious   agement about the possibility of increasing  ernment funding will be at a cost of no more
       target for increasing oil   southern exports from the Khor al-Amaya Oil  than $8.5bn […] the project was transferred
       export capacity, though   Terminal (KAAOT), which has been largely  to the next government because transferring it
       feasibility concerns and   shut-in since 2017.         from investment to funding requires presenting
       disagreements continue                                 realistic studies for implementation.”
       to hamper progress.  Back up Basra-Aqaba                 While talks remain ongoing regarding the
                         On April 18, Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar  voting in of a new president and prime minis-
                         announced that various changes were being  ter as factions supporting or opposing greater
                         made to the project to ensure that it ‘meets the  Iranian influence clash and issues surrounding
                         requirements and benefits of the country’.  the Kurdistan Region’s oil sector persist, Jihad
                           “The Basra-Aqaba line project has not been  did provide some clarity on the current planned
                         signed, the memorandum of understanding  route of the pipeline.
                         [MoU] has not been signed, and it has not been   He said it would comprise two lines and two
                         referred” for implementation, he said.  sections – “the first linking Basra to the Haditha
                           Abdul Jabbar noted that it had been neces-  city in Anbar Governorate to transport crude oil
                         sary to submit plans to the Council of Ministers  and meet the internal need from it for refineries
                         several times to fulfil procedures relating to its  and necessary uses, as well as to increase the elec-
                         financial structure as well as seeking approval  trical stations operating there”.
                         from the Ministry of Planning. Meanwhile,   The second section will link Haditha to
                         changes made to the plans had necessitated an  Aqaba, to which it will deliver an initial 200,000
                         update of the 2020 feasibility study, with Burley  bpd of oil, working up to the 1mn bpd capacity.
                         Co. appointed to carry out work aimed at con-  This was corroborated by Shaker Mahmoud,
                         trolling costs.                      director at the state-owned Oil Projects Co., who
                           Cost has been a major issue for the project  said that the Cabinet had “stressed the need to
                         with estimates for its construction coming in  study the technical cost”, noting that the maxi-
                         as high as $26bn based on a $4bn fee to develop  mum figure of $8.5bn would be based on piping
                         the Iraqi portion of the line, with the section in  2mn bpd of crude to Haditha and 1mn bpd to
                         Jordanian territory costing up to $22bn. A price  Jordan.
                         of $12bn has also been quoted for implementing   Meanwhile, Jihad added that the conduit

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