Page 9 - MEOG Week 26 2021
P. 9

MEOG                                             POLICY                                               MEOG

       Iran’s reported shunning of

       inspectors casts doubt on deal revival

        IRAN             NEW doubts as to whether a revival of the  programme remains entirely civil in nature in
                         nuclear deal between Iran and major powers can  exchange for providing Iran with a shield against
                         be successfully negotiated emerged on June 27  heavy economic sanctions.
                         when the Iranian parliament said that an agree-  On June 25, US Secretary of State Antony
                         ment to share time-stamped video images from  Blinken said it would be a “serious concern” for
                         certain nuclear sites with the UN’s International  future negotiations if Iran failed to extend the
                         Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has ended and  information-sharing agreement with the IAEA.
                         that the images of nuclear development activities   “I would tell you that with regard to the IAEA
                         would not be handed over.            this remains a serious concern, a concern that
                           Iran and the UN watchdog agreed on a three-  we’ve communicated to Iran, and it needs to be –
                         month deal in February to share some images in  needs to be resolved,” he said at a briefing during
                         order to maintain at least some monitoring of its  a visit to Paris. Despite the election of hardline
                         atomic activities.                   President-elect Ebrahim Raisi there have been
                           Iran’s parliamentary speaker Mohammad  no indications in the past week that Tehran has
                         Baqer Qalibaf was reported by local media as tell-  given up on its stated policy of attempting to find
                         ing lawmakers that “nothing has been extended  a way to restore both Iranian and US compliance
                         after the three-month period and following that,  with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
                         none of the information subject to recording will  (JCPOA), and unilaterally abandoned by the
                         be given to the IAEA, but will remain at the dis-  former Trump administration in May 2018.
                         posal of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.  The temporary deal with the IAEA that has
                           Iran and major powers are involved in the  ended stipulated that Iran would collect data
                         Vienna talks to attempt to restart the nuclear  which would then be passed onto the IAEA at
                         deal designed to ensure the Iranian nuclear  a later date.™

       Iranians mount energy sector protests

        IRAN             THE industrial action besetting Iran’s oil, gas  than 150,000 temporary workers in the Iranian
                         and petrochemicals industry has involved thou-  oil industry who are denied the benefits that full-
                         sands of workers mounting protests to demand  time, long-term contract workers enjoy.
                         better wages and working conditions, local   Some lawmakers are supportive of the energy
                         news reports and social media posts indicate.  industry workers. “Since we learned of the labour
                         The action seems mainly focused on southern  actions and their salary and benefit demands...
                         gas fields and some refineries in proximity to big  the issues are being seriously followed up in
                         cities. Iran continues to endure worsened eco-  [parliament’s] Energy Commission,” Mousa
                         nomic hardship amid continuing US sanctions  Ahmadi, a lawmaker whose district includes
                         and a severe, ongoing coronavirus outbreak.  Assaluyeh, told ILNA. According to rights
                         There have actually been protests by workers and  groups and social media posts, Tehran’s refinery
                         pensioners for several months, with the inflation  has fired 700 striking workers. Shaker Khafai,
                         rate of more than 50% and high unemployment  spokesman for the state-run Tehran Oil Refining
                         souring sentiment. The protests are dubbed  Company, denied the dismissal report and said a
                         “Campaign 1400” with reference to the Persian  sub-contractor had laid off 35 workers, the state
                         calendar year that started in March.  news agency IRNA reported.
                           An unspecified number of workers with tem-  For many Iranians, the mood in the country
                         porary hiring contracts “stayed home” to press  was also soured by the early June presidential
                         for higher wages last week in Assaluyeh, Iran’s  election—a Guardian Council vetting body
                         main gas production hub on the Persian Gulf,  refused to allow any leading moderates to con-
                         the semi-official Iranian Labour News Agency  test the poll, which was then won with a land-
                         (ILNA) reported, noted Reuters.      slide by religious hardliner Ebrahim Raisi. The
                           There is said to be anger at the consequences  turnout, which some analysis put as low as 42%
                         of replacing retiring full-time workers in the  when spoiled ballots were taken into account,
                         energy industry with employees hired on a  was registered as the worst ever as millions of
                         temporary contract basis. After 20 years of this  Iranians stayed away from the polling stations in
                         practice, there are, for example, said to be more  disillusionment or protest.™

       Week 26   30•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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