Page 13 - MEOG Week 26 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

                                           US warns allies against              sanctions from the United States under that
       POLICY                                                                   transactions don’t expose them to potential
       Iran oil, refinery workers          restoring ties with Syria            act.” Earlier this year, Emirati Foreign Minister

       get support in pay demands          A senior US official has warned countries in   Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed said the Caesar
                                           the Middle East against restoring ties with
                                                                                Act makes it difficult to cooperate with Syria
       Several trade unions and federations in Iran   Syria, citing atrocities committed by the   and reintegrate it into the Arab League.
       and abroad have backed the strike of contract   government of President Bashar al-Assad,   “To keep the Caesar Act as it is today
       workers in the Iranian oil sector which began   as well as stringent sanctions against doing   makes this path very difficult, not only for us
       June 19 at a number of sites in south. The   business with Damascus.     as a nation, but also for the private sector,” he
       strike is spreading in oil-rich southern and   On a call to reporters on Friday, Joey   said in March.
       southwestern provinces as well to refineries in   Hood, acting assistant secretary of state   The law is designed to make it difficult for
       Tehran and Esfahan.                 for Near East affairs, said Washington’s   the Syrian government, which has all but won
         In the past few days, the Syndicate   opposition to the Syrian government would   the 10-year civil war, to trade with the outside
       of Workers of Haft Tappeh Cane Sugar   not change unless there was a “major change   world and engage in reconstruction efforts.
       Company, the Trotskyist International Labour   in behaviour” in Damascus.  The conflict began with a brutal
       Network of Solidarity and Struggles, labour   “With regard to others, who may be   government crackdown on pro-democracy
       unions in Sweden, the Federation of Oil   considering making moves, we are asking   protesters in 2011.
       Unions of Iraq, and an Iranian teachers’ trade   them to consider very carefully the atrocities   It quickly turned into an all-out civil
       union have all issued statements in support of   committed by the regime on the Syrian   war between the Syrian army and fractured
       industrial action called by the ‘Coordination   people over the last decade, as well as the   opposition armed groups amid the rise of
       Council of Oil Industries Contract Workers.’  regime’s continuing efforts to deny much of   hardline militants, including the Islamic State
         The potential economic damage is still not   the country access to humanitarian aid and   (IS) group and al-Qaeda linked Nusra Front -
       clear, but Iran heavily relies on earning foreign   security,” Hood said.  now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
       currency from the export of petrochemicals   The US official’s remarks come amid   Military backing from Russia, Iran and
       while its crude exports are sanctioned by the   reports of rapprochement between Syria and   Lebanon’s Hezbollah turned the tide in favour
       United States.                      Saudi Arabia, a close US partner.    of Assad.
         Ms. Parvin Mohammadi, Deputy Secretary   The UAE, another American ally, had   Currently, the government is in control of
       of the Iranian Independent Workers Union,   reestablished diplomatic ties with the Syrian   most of the urban centres. But Turkish-backed
       said Monday that strikes in the oil sector had   government late in 2018. Last year, Abu Dhabi   groups, the US-backed and Kurdish-led
       spread to 70 companies in eight provinces.  Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed held   Syrian Democratic Forces and the rebel group
         Speaking to Iran International TV   a phone call with Assad and called Syria a   HTS all have swaths of territory under their
       from Tehran, Mohammadi said authorities   “brotherly” Arab country.      control, mostly in the north.
       including Oil Minister Bijan Namdar-  On Friday, Hood waved the prospect of   The war has killed hundreds of thousands
       Zanganeh had not addressed the workers’   secondary sanctions against countries that   of people and displaced millions, causing one
       demands. “They always wipe out the question   normalise relations with Syria - stemming   of the worst refugee crises in modern history.
       instead of answering it,” she said, adding   from the Caesar Act, a 2020 law that applies   US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set
       that authorities made empty promises and   sweeping measures to restrict the financial   to participate in a ministerial meeting on Syria
       arrested workers if they refused to end   operations of the Syrian government.  with allies in Rome next week.
       protests or strikes. Independent unions are   “This is a law that has wide bipartisan   On Friday, Hood said Blinken would
       not recognized by the government and are   support in the Congress, and the   reassert US support for keeping border
       restricted.                         administration is going to follow the law on   crossings into Syria open for the delivery of
       IRAN INTL                           that,” Hood said.                    humanitarian assistance. He also confirmed
                                             “And so governments and businesses need   that Washington plans on keeping its “limited
                                           to be careful that their proposed or envisioned   military presence” in the war-torn country,

       Week 26   30•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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