Page 15 - MEOG Week 26 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       provide in-country training on its technology   tonnes per year (tpy). QP holds around 70%   potential weakening in TAQA’s SCP to bbb,
       and equipment, further enhancing skills.   stakes in six of its LNG-producing joint   for example, due to higher capex than Fitch
       Medra’s field engineers in the local Dammam   ventures. The joint ventures operate 14 LNG   expects, which would result in funds from
       area, allowing Adding value to the kingdom.  trains with a gross production capacity of   operations (FFO) net leverage exceeding 4.7x
         Abdur Rahman Adil, general manager at   77mn tpy.                      for a sustained period is unlikely to affect
       Medra Arabia, commented, “Through this   BNE                             TAQA’s support-driven IDR.
       collaboration, our engineers will have the                                 Fitch views the business risk of TAQA’s
       opportunity to expand their upstream oil and   Fitch affirms TAQA at ‘AA-’;   regulated transmission and distribution
       gas knowledge that will be invaluable to the                             networks, and the company’s local and
       region, our business and customers, and is in   outlook stable           international contracted electricity
       line with Saudi Vision 2030.“                                            generation and water desalination assets as
         The association meets the current need   Fitch Ratings has affirmed Abu Dhabi   low (excluding Red Oak, which is subject to
       for advanced drilling solutions due to the   National Energy Company’s (TAQA) Long-  merchant risk) since compensation is largely
       high temperature and the deepest wells in   Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior   based on the availability of capacity rather
       the region. Customers today are looking for a   unsecured rating at AA-. The Outlook on the   than the amount of power or water supplied.
       solution that enables them to actively manage   Long-Term IDR is Stable.   Fitch estimates contracted EBITDA
       mud and downhole temperatures to mitigate   The affirmation is supported by Fitch’s   at about 45% per year in 2020-2023. Its
       risk, preserve tool life and avoid costly delays   view of the strength of links, under its   individual domestic power and water
       due to thermal fracture.            Government-Related Entities (GRE) Rating   operating subsidiaries have strong project-
       OSSO                                Criteria, between TAQA and its majority   finance structures, which are supported
                                           indirect shareholder Abu Dhabi (AA/Stable).   by contractual features, such as off-take
       Fitch assigns QP AA- first          TAQA’s Standalone Credit Profile (SCP) of   agreements and payment guarantees
                                           bbb+ is more than four notches lower than
                                                                                supporting opco-level debt service.
       time long-term rating               the Abu Dhabi sovereign rating, which leads   Dhabi Power Corporation PJSC (AD Power)
                                                                                  TAQA has successfully completed the Abu
                                           to a top-down minus one approach under the
       Fitch, a ratings agency, assigned Qatar   GRE Criteria.                  asset transfer, resulting in 95% of its EBITDA
       Petroleum (QP) a first-time long-term issuer   Supportive Parent Links: TAQA is   being generated from regulated and quasi-
       default rating of AA- with a stable outlook.   rated one notch below its indirect majority   regulated activities. Within that we expect
       The ratings agency sees that QP stands a   shareholder the Government of Abu Dhabi.   EBITDA from regulated networks to increase
       strong chance of receiving state support in   Under the GRE Criteria, we assess status,   to 58% by 2025 from 50%, improving cash
       case of credit challenges, primarily because it   ownership and control; and socio-political   flow visibility. We have thus increased TAQA’s
       is fully owned by the state and implications   and financial implications of a default, as   SCP debt capacity by 0.2x.
       of default would affect Qatar’s oil-and-gas   Strong, while we view the support track   Fitch expects TAQA’s financial flexibility
       value chain. Moreover, the company is a major  record-and- expectations factor as Very   to remain solid, supported by strong liquidity
       contributor to government revenues since it is   Strong. This assessment results in a score of   and cash flow. Fitch forecasts annual free cash
       responsible for generating 34% of GDP. QP’s   35, leading to a ‘top-down minus one’ rating   flow (FCF or cash from operations (CFO)
       output also powers domestic power and water   approach.                  less capex and dividends) will average about
       generation, serves as feedstock for domestic   TAQA’s SCP is supported by a regulated   AED800 million per year through 2021-
       refining, chemicals and metals production.  and quasi regulated business model, which   2023, which is also supported by recent debt
         Furthermore, QP plans to increase LNG   ensures profitability irrespective of actual   refinancing.
       production capacity in two stages through   off-take, and insulation from volume risk.   Fitch expects TAQA will continue using
       the North Field East and the North Field   Fitch estimates capex at about AED8 billion   the majority of its operating cash flow (Fitch-
       South projects, which will raise Qatar’s LNG   per year for 2021-2023 with some investments   defined CFO) after capex for shareholder
       production capacity in 2027 by 64% to 126mn   aimed at carbon- emission reduction. A   returns. TAQA’s dividend policy covers

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