Page 16 - MEOG Week 26 2021
P. 16

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       2021-2022 and guides toward dividends that   OPEC+, is returning 2.1 million barrels per   In retaliation for Monday night’s shelling,
       will be paid quarterly and grow 10% annually   day (bpd) to the market from May through   “heavy artillery has been fired by the (U.S.-
       over the period. Fitch estimates strong pre-  July as part of a plan to gradually unwind last   led) international coalition” on the town of
       dividend FCF margins of 8%-10%, which   year’s record oil output curbs.  Al-Mayadeen, controlled by Iranian militias,
       offsets the 10% annual dividend growth.  Sources told Reuters last Tuesday that   the Observatory said.
       FITCH                               OPEC+ was discussing a further easing of oil   The Assad regime’s news agency SANA
                                           output cuts from August as oil prices rise on   meanwhile said that “missiles ... targeted a
                                           demand recovery, but no decision had been   military base of the U.S. occupation forces in
       OIL                                 taken yet on the exact volume to bring back to   the Al-Omar oil field,” without citing who was
                                           the market.                          responsible.
       ADNOC to deepen crude oil           REUTERS                              strikes targeted operational and weapons
                                                                                  The Pentagon said the previous night’s
       term supply cut in Sept             Pro-Iran militia fires shells        storage facilities at two locations in Syria and
                                                                                one in Iraq, all near the common border, and
       Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)   at US base in Syrian oilfield   used by militias engaged in drone attacks
       will reduce the volume of crude oil it supplies                          against U.S. interests in Iraq.
       to Asian term buyers by 15% in September,   Pro-Iranian militia forces fired several shells at   Kataeb Hezbollah and Kataeb Sayyid
       according to six sources with direct   a base controlled by the US in eastern Syria’s   al-Shuhada, two Iraqi Shiite armed factions,
       knowledge of the matter.            Al-Omar oil field Monday night, causing   were among the “several Iran-backed militia
         The cut was much deeper compared with   damage but no casualties, initially reported by   groups” that had used the facilities, the
       a reduction of 5% in term volume allocation   the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said  Pentagon said.
       for crude oil cargoes loading in August, three   and later confirmed by Operation Inherent   There have been repeated attacks in
       of the sources said. ADNOC did not provide a   Resolve (OIR) spokesperson Col. Wayne   recent months against U.S. interests in
       reason for the deeper cuts, the sources said.  Marotto via a Twitter post.  Iraq that Washington blames on pro-Iran
         ADNOC declined to comment on such    “Initial report: At approx. 7:44 p.m. local   groups, ranging from rocket fire, to attacks
       issues.                             time, U.S. forces in Syria were attacked by   on convoys, and – most recently – the use of
         The move came as a surprise for some   multiple rockets. There are no injuries and   armed drones.
       market participants ahead of an upcoming   damage is being assessed. We will provide   Iran-aligned groups operate in Iraq, which
       OPEC+ meeting on July 1. It was not   updates when we have more information,”   counts both Tehran and Washington as allies,
       immediately clear why ADNOC was making   tweeted Marotto.                and in war-torn Syria, where Iran is a key
       a deeper supply cut for crude oil loading in   The development came after the U.S.   backer of the Assad regime.
       September for its term contract customers.  launched airstrikes the previous night against   AFP
         The Organization of the Petroleum   three targets it said were used by pro-Iran
       Exporting Countries and allies, known as   groups in eastern Syria and western Iraq.

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