Page 13 - GLNG Week 35 2021
P. 13

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       AMERICAS                            ASIA                                 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
                                                                                adopted an initial strategy on the reduction of
       Tellurian withdraws                 Japan’s first: LNG-fuelled           GHG emissions from international shipping
                                                                                by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008
       senior note offering and            tugboat Ishin uses carbon-           levels, and to phase out GHG emissions from
                                                                                international shipping as soon as possible, in
       announces exercise of               neutral LNG                          this century.
                                                                                  The goal of the MOL Group is to achieve
       common stock over-                  Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL; President &   net zero GHG emissions by 2050, as set out in
                                           CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto; Headquarters:
                                                                                the “MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1”
       allotment option                    Minato-ku, Tokyo) and its group company   (Note 6), announced in June 2021. The group
                                                                                set the “Adoption of Clean Alternative Fuels”
                                           Nihon Tug-Boat (President: Tetsuro Nishio;
       Tellurian announced today that it will not   Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Hyogo Prefecture)   strategy (Fig. 1) to realize the goal, and plans
       proceed with its underwritten public offering   today announced that the Nihon Tug-Boat-  to introduce about 90 LNG-fueled vessels by
       of $50mn aggregate principal amount of   operated liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fuelled   2030. The Ishin is MOL’s first LNG-fueled
       8.25% senior notes due 2028 which was   tugboat Ishin was supplied for the first time   vessel, and the group continues its proactive
       successfully priced last Thursday night,   with Carbon Neutral LNG (CNLNG) fuel by   push on new initiatives to reduce GHG
       August 26, 2021. Nasdaq informed Tellurian   Osaka Gas (President: Masataka Fujiwara;   emissions.
       on Friday that it would not list the bonds due   Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka) and Daigas   MOL aims to promote the wider use of
       to a procedural interpretation.     Energy Co., Ltd. (Daigas Energy; President:   LNG-fuelled vessels while working to adopt
         Tellurian executive chairman Charif Souki   Masayuki Inoue; Headquarters: Chuo-ku,   new alternative fuels such as ammonia and
       said: “Clearly the massive retail investment   Osaka) on September 1, 2021. This marks the   conducting research and development on the
       market has been disruptive to the old rules   first use of CNLNG as vessel fuel in Japan.  use of synthetic methane, which is expected
       guiding institutional investing, first in   CNLNG for the Ishin was supplied   to contribute to further GHG reduction. It
       equities and now in bonds. Of course, we   to the tugboat using the truck to ship   not only strives to reduce GHG emissions
       are disappointed with Nasdaq’s decision   method at the wharf in Sakai Senboku Port,   generated from its own operations, but also
       and wish it would have advised us earlier in   Osaka. The “carbon neutral” designation   to meet the needs of customers and society
       the process. The good news is that Tellurian   means that all greenhouse gases (GHGs),   to reduce the environmental impact of its
       has plenty of liquidity, we achieved a BBB+   generated throughout the life cycle of natural   activities.
       investment grade rating, and we established a   gas extraction, liquefaction, transport,   MITSUI OSK LINES, September 02, 2021
       viable market for our debt securities. Tellurian   production, and combustion processes, were
       appreciates the continued support from   offset by credit, and CNLNG is expected to   First floating LNG project
       its sophisticated and well-informed retail   gain wide adoption in the future for general
       investors, and we hope to have another debt   use as well as vessel fuel.  for BASF’s gas treatment
       offering in the future.”              The tugboat Ishin is owned by MOL,
         Tellurian also announced that the   and has been operated by Nihon Tug-Boat   technology
       underwriters of its recent public offering   since February 2019. It has been supplied
       of its common stock exercised their option   with LNG fuel from Daigas Energy since the   The latest floating liquefied natural gas
       to purchase an additional 5,250,000 shares,   beginning of the operation. On this occasion,   (FLNG) project of the Malaysian oil and
       bringing the total shares purchased to   Daigas Energy and Nihon Tug-Boat signed a   gas company Petronas (PFLNG DUA) has
       40,250,000. The total additional gross   memorandum of understanding (MoU) for   selected BASF’s OASE® purple for its Acid
       proceeds (before underwriters’ compensation   supply of CNLNG over several years.  Gas Removal Unit process. This is the first
       and estimated expenses) from the exercise of   Moves to tighten regulations on exhaust   FLNG reference worldwide for BASF’s OASE
       the option are approximately $15.75mn.  emissions from merchant vessels have   Gas Treatment technology. Together with
       TELLURIAN, August 31, 2021          accelerated in recent years. In April 2018,   PETRONAS and the Japanese engineering
                                                                                partner JGC Corporation, PFLNG DUA has
                                                                                been successfully started up in February 2021
                                                                                and completed its Performance Test Run in
                                                                                May 2021. The floating LNG facility opens
                                                                                a new source of supply for cleaner energy
                                                                                as it is designed to extract natural gas from
                                                                                deepwater gas reservoirs in depths up to 1,500
                                                                                  OASE purple is an amine-based solution
                                                                                that is utilized for the removal of acid gases
                                                                                such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen
                                                                                sulphide (H2S) from natural gas. The
                                                                                removal of acid gases is necessary to prepare
                                                                                the gas for the liquefaction and subsequent
                                                                                pipeline transportation. The highly efficient
                                                                                and environmentally friendly BASF-
                                                                                technology provides flexibility and low capital

       Week 35   03•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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