Page 14 - GLNG Week 35 2021
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GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       expenditure (CAPEX) for its customers.   of unsecured, interest free seller financing.   Annual Efficiency Ratio (AER – g-CO2 /ton
       Additionally, the low energy demand of the   The three vessels are the LNG/C Aristos I   mile) and are expected to further reduce the
       process combined with the non-corrosive   built in 2020, and the LNG/C Aristarchos and   environmental footprint of the Partnership in
       nature of the solvent keeps operating and   the LNG/C Aristidis I built in 2021, all three   terms of other greenhouse emissions, as their
       maintenance costs (OPEX) low. The process   constructed at Hyundai Heavy Industries. The   primary propulsion fuel is natural gas.
       also provides a high level of gas purity and   LNG/C Aristos I and the LNG/C Aristarchos   CAPITAL PRODUCT PARTNERS, August 31,
       product gas recovery while keeping solvent   are expected to be delivered to the partnership   2021
       losses to a minimum.                by September 15, while the LNG/C Aristidis
         Andreas Northemann, Head of BASF’s   I is expected to be delivered by the end of   Gas prices top $600 per
       Gas Treatment business, says: “We are proud   November 2021.
       to now have our first FLNG reference in   The LNG/C Aristos I and the LNG/C   1,000 cubic metres
       operation and running at 100% capacity,   Aristidis I are under long-term time charters
       which is the fruit of many years of research.   with BP Gas Marketing, which together   Short-term futures for gas prices on the Dutch
       We applied our on-shore LNG expertise and   with the first two optional periods, expire   TTF spot index for ICE Futures for October
       conducted motion studies and Computational   in October 2027 and December 2027,   continued to rise on August 30, climbing
       Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to ensure a high   respectively. In view of the structure of the BP   to €49.26 per kWh, or $600 per 1,000 cubic
       reliability, low maintenance design which   charters, we believe that the first two optional   metres, according to the exchange’s data as
       meets our customer’s stringent off-shore   periods are highly likely to be exercised under   reported by the Kyiv Post.
       specifications and challenges.”     most market conditions. BP holds additional   Trading on August 27 finished up at the
       BASF, September 02, 2021            options, which could extend the charter of   value of $586 per 1,000 cubic metres – about
                                           the vessels to October 2032 and December   triple the level for the same period a year
                                           2032, respectively. The LNG/C Aristarchos is   earlier.
       EUROPE                              under a long-term time charter with Cheniere   The new gas year begins in October.
                                           Marketing International LLP (“Cheniere”),   Gazprom has a long-term reservation of
       Capital Product Partners            which expires in February 2025. Cheniere   transit capacities through the Yamal-Europe
                                           holds two 1-year options beyond that.
                                                                                gas pipeline until the end of September. The
       announces the acquisition           vessels under the charters is approximately   Russian company did not book capacities
                                              The total contracted revenue for all three
                                                                                of the pipeline at past annual and quarterly
       of three latest generation          $391.0mn, the average remaining charter   auctions.
                                                                                  The launch of the almost completed
                                           duration is 5.6 years and average daily rate
       LNG carriers                        across all three vessels is approximately   Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is anticipated
                                           $67,630 per day. These figures are inclusive
                                                                                in September and that may bring prices
       Capital Product Partners, an international   of the first two optional periods under the   down. Issues concerning the regulation of
       owner of ocean-going vessels, today   BP charters. This translates into an increase   the pipeline’s operation are currently under
       announced that it has agreed to acquire three   of approximately 86% in contracted revenues   consideration by the EU that may rule Russia’s
       174,000 cubic metre (cbm) latest generation   compared to the Partnership’s current fleet,   Gazprom cannot both own the pipeline and
       X-DF LNG carriers from CGC Operating, for   with an expected increase of the remaining   use it.
       total consideration of $599.5mn comprised   charter duration to 4.6 years. The acquisition   Gas prices have been driven up by a
       of (i) $147.1mn of cash on hand, (ii) the   will also reduce the average fleet age from 10.4   combination of high demand and technical
       assumption of the $427.4mn of secured   years to 8.8 years. Importantly, the LNG/C   outages in transport over the summer due to
       debt, (iii) the issuance of $15.0mn of new   vessels are expected to be approximately   maintenance and an accident.
       common units of CPLP at a premium to the   23% more energy efficient compared to the
       current trading unit price and (iv) $10.0mn   2020 fleet average of CPLP in terms of their

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2021
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