Page 4 - MEOG Week 37 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Aramco considers

       gas moves

       Saudi Aramco is considering changes to its gas business as the company seeks

       to improve the availability of crude for export and feedstock for petrochemicals

        SAUDI ARABIA     STATE-OWNED Saudi Aramco is reported  Operations (SAOO) areas reporting directly to
                         to be considering two major changes to its  the SVP of Upstream, Nasir al-Naimi.
                         approach to gas development as the company   Formerly Northern Area Producing (NAP)
       WHAT:             moves to target a leading role in gas, chemicals  and Southern Area Producing (SAP), these
       Aramco is reported to   and hydrogen markets.          organisations are responsible for field develop-
       be streamlining its gas   Over the past week, sources speaking to  ment work to the north and south of the compa-
       business as it embarks   Bloomberg have said that Aramco is changing  ny’s headquarters in Dhahran. Each comprises
       on a major project to tap   the structure of its gas business while mulling  11 departments, while the current gas unit has
       large unconventional gas   bringing in outside help to develop its main  the same number.
       resources.        unconventional gas asset.              The sources said that NAGO and SAGO
                           Gas development is a core strategic concern  would be headed by Jumaan Al Zahrani and
       WHY:              in Dhahran, with Saudi consistently burning  Wail Al Jaafari respectively, pending board
       By improving the   700,000 barrels per day (bpd) or more of crude  approval. The latter has been the general man-
       availability of gas for   during August each year to generate enough  ager of the company’s southern gas operations
       power generation,   electricity to cater to peak demand as air-con-  since early 2019.
       Aramco could export as   ditioning use spikes. Replacing this with gas   Last August, president and CEO Amin Nas-
       much as 700,000 bpd   could provide Aramco with more than $1.5bn in  ser said: “Gas is a growth area for us, especially
       more oil during summer   additional revenues at current prices for August  considering increasing gas demand in the king-
       months.           alone.                               dom. The Northern area is declining, but there
                           Gas will also play an important role in max-  is pick-up in the Eastern province, the Jafurah
       WHAT NEXT:        imising the potential synergies garnered through  basin and South Ghawar in conventional gas.”
       The company is also   Aramco’s acquisition of a majority share in   As with oil, the remit of SAGO would include
       considering bringing in   chemicals specialist Saudi Basic Industries Corp.  the lion’s share of the kingdom’s 238.8 trillion
       international partners   (SABIC), increasing economies of scale through  cubic feet (6.76 trillion cubic metres) of natu-
       to assist with the   improved feedstock availability.  ral gas reserves, 150.2 tcf (4.25 tcm) of which is
       development of the                                     non-associated.
       Jafurah unconventional   Internal structure              SAGO will cover the Hawiyah and Haradh
       gas basin.        Speaking to Bloomberg, sources said that Ara-  gas reservoirs around the supergiant Ghawar
                         mco would separate its gas business line into the  oilfield, Shaybah in the east as well as the Jafurah
                         Northern Area Gas Operations (NAGO) and  basin, which holds an estimated gas resource of
                         Southern Area Gas Operations (SAGO) admin-  200 tcf (5.7 tcm), around half of which is com-
                         istrative areas.                     prised of liquids.
                           These structures have already been in place   According to the 2020 annual report, Aramco
                         since at least early 2019, though, and Middle  has a total conventional and unconventional
                         East Oil & Gas (MEOG) understands that the  raw gas processing capacity of 18.3bn cubic feet
                         new approach is to structure gas in the same way  (518mn cubic metres) per day that primarily
                         as its oil business unit with the Northern Area  feeds into the Master Gas System network, which
                         Oil Operations (NAOO) and Southern Area Oil  has a current capacity of 9.6 bcf (272 mcm) per

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