Page 17 - DMEA Week 34 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           to NIS 304mn. Revenue from the company’s   to the domestic market. Libya, an OPEC
                                           refining activity also rose steeply, from NIS   member, has managed to maintain its output
       Paz Q2 revenue doubles but          700mn in the second quarter of 2020 to NIS   above 1mn barrels per day since November
                                                                                2020 and production hit 1.3mn bpd in April.
                                           2bn in the second quarter of this year, thanks
       oil refinery causes loss            to a rise in the price per barrel and to a rise   been boosted with the formation of a national
                                                                                  Hopes of a recovery in production have
                                           in sales volume. Nevertheless, the oil refinery
       Paz plans to spin off its oil refinery and   made a loss of NIS 83mn in the quarter,   unity government in mid-March ending a
       distribute the shares in it as a dividend in   which compares with a loss of NIS 76mn in   split between duelling eastern and western
       kind.                               the corresponding quarter, and mainly stems   administrations. NOC aims to raise daily
         This morning, Paz Oil Company Ltd.   from exchange rate effects.       output to 1.45mn bpd by the end of 2021 and
       (TASE:PZOL) published its second quarter   EBITDA totalled NIS 186mn in the   to 1.6mn bpd within two years and 2.1mn bpd
       results, showing revenue double that of the   quarter, which compares with NIS 175mn   within four years.
       second quarter of 2020, but because of losses   in the corresponding quarter. Excluding   The NOC plans to start new oilfields in the
       at its oil refinery, the company posted a net   the refining segment, EBITDA totalled   coming months in the basins of Sirte, in the
       loss for the quarter of NIS 32mn.   NIS 213mn, versus NIS 191mn in the   central part of the country, and Ghadmis in
         Paz’s board of directors has decided to spin   corresponding quarter, representing growth   the west.
       off the oil refinery and distribute the shares   of 12%.                 BNE
       in it as a dividend in kind to its shareholders.   The net loss for the quarter was NIS 32mn.
       The decision to spin off the oil refinery, which   Were it not for the oil refinery’s losses, Paz
       has weighed on Paz and caused it heavy losses   would have posted a net profit of NIS 51mn.   REFINING
       in recent years, was already known. Paz wants   In the second quarter of 2020, the company
       to expand in retail, and at the beginning of   posted a net loss of NIS 4mn.  Oman invites Saudi JV bids
       this month it announced the acquisition   GLOBES
       of the neighbourhood supermarkets chain                                  for 51km Duqm road project
       Freshmarket for NIS 2.1bn.          NOC revenues reach $2bn in
         Paz will set up a new subsidiary to                                    Oman’s Public Authority for Special Economic
       which the shares in the oil refinery will be   July                      Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ) has announced
       transferred. The company explained that                                  that a new road project planned in Duqm SEZ
       the aim of the spin-off was “to reinforce the   Revenues of Libya’s oil champion the National   will be open to bidding only for joint venture
       company’s business and management focus   Oil Company (NOC) from crude oil and gas   partnerships set up between construction
       on its core retail and services activity and to   as well as petrochemicals hit $2.05bn in July   firms of Saudi Arabia and the sultanate, said
       set up a real estate arm, in order to implement   2021 on growing output and favourable oil   a report.
       the company’s strategic plan and create   prices.                          The 51-km dual carriageway will link
       cumulative value for its shareholders.”  The vast majority of hydrocarbon revenues,  Duqm with a Crude Oil Storage Terminal
         Second quarter revenue rose by 105% in   amounting to $1.96bn, came from crude oil   nearing completion at Ras Markaz just south
       comparison with the corresponding quarter   sales. A further $81mn was generated from   of the Special Economic Zone.
       of 2020 to NIS 2.8bn, and sales of fuels at the   sales of natural gas and condensates.   The scope of work includes the
       company’s fuel stations were up 30%.  NOC’s revenues from oil by-product   development of a 42.7-km-long dual
         The return to routine after the lockdowns   sales in July stood at $3.37mn, and from   carriageway (with two lanes on either side)
       caused by the coronavirus pandemic led to a   petrochemicals at $2.79mn.   and 6km of single carriageway (one lane
       rise in sales at Paz’s Yellow convenience store   Locally refined petroleum by-products   or either side). Further, as many as eight
       and Super Yuda supermarkets chains of 24%,   produced in June were entirely channelled   roundabouts will be constructed along the

       Week 34   26•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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