Page 14 - GLNG Week 07 2023
P. 14

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       Equinor gives contract to           create significant ripple effects. It is expected   technology developed by Italy’s Ecospray
                                           that about 70% of the value creation will go to
                                                                                for the recovery of gas from oil extraction
       Aibel for Hammerfest LNG            Norwegian companies, and more than one-  (associated petroleum gas) producing LNG,
                                                                                NGLs and extracting other valuable streams,
                                           third of this to Northern Norway. Regional
       modifications                       employment during the project period is   such as LPG.
                                           estimated at 1680 person-years (5400 person-
                                                                                  “Our commitment to the energy industry
       On behalf of the Snøhvit partnership,   years nationally).               is growing,” said Maurizio Ar-chetti,
       Equinor has awarded Aibel a major contract   The Snøhvit Future project consists of   President, Ecospray. “We will contribute
       worth NOK 8 billion for Hammerfest LNG   online compression and electrification of   to completing the energy supply chain by
       modifications in connection with the Snøhvit   Hammerfest LNG at Melkøya. As the pressure   deploying innovative solutions to recover
       Future project. The contract is subject to   drops in the reservoirs, compression is   previously unusable resources. Our
       governmental approval of the project.  required to ensure sufficient flow of the gas   partnership with OneLng is part of a growth
         Aibel has been awarded an EPCI contract   to the plant. The project will extend plateau   path that will allow us to offer a range of
       that involves engineering, procurement,   production and ensure high gas exports,   new technological solutions to the American
       construction, and installation of two new   jobs and ripple effects also after 2030, while   market.”
       processing modules related to the onshore   reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the   Kees Onstein, Chairman & Co-Founder,
       compression and electrification of the   plant by 850 000 tpy, corresponding to 2%   OneLng, added: “We are convinced that the
       Melkøya plant. They will also build a new   of Norway’s total emissions. The Norwegian   micro-liquefaction technology will offer an
       receiving station for power from shore and   parliament has decided to reduce Norwegian   elegant and timely solution to the US oil
       carry out integration work at the plant.  emissions by 55% by 2030.      and gas market by helping unlock stranded
         The contract is an option in the FEED   NOK 13.2 billion will be invested in the   resources, minimising routine flaring, and
       contract awarded to Aibel in September 2020.  Snøhvit Future project, ensuring continued   alleviating regulatory pressure. We are
         “Aibel has been one of our main suppliers   operation of the plant towards 2050.  proud to bring this advanced technology
       for Hammerfest LNG since the start-up in                                 from Europe to the US in partnership with
       2007. They know the plant well, have set                                 Ecospray, a strong company that shares our
       up a local department in Hammerfest, and   Ecospray, OneLng pen          vision of creating value from industrial by-
       have solid experience from other major                                   products.”
       modification projects on plants while on   agreement for liquefaction      Ecospray’s scope of supply includes an
       stream. I therefore have high expectations of                            initial demo plant to be delivered by the
       them doing a good job safely. This contract   Ecospray, developer of innovative solutions   end of 2023, followed by the delivery of
       will have major ripple effects locally, regionally  for the production of bio-fuels with its micro-  six 2 million ft3/d liquefaction plants to be
       and nationally,” said Mette H. Ottøy, Equinor’s   liquefaction systems, has expanded its offering   delivered starting from 1Q24.
       Chief Procurement Officer.          of services for natural gas liquefaction to the   Ecospray’s new generation solutions
         Aibel will also carry out further upgrades   US market with an agreement signed with   greatly reduce the environmental impact of oil
       of existing systems at Hammerfest LNG to   OneLng, a US-based organisation specialised   extraction activities by ending routine flaring
       make the plant more resilient for extended life   in the design, construction, and operation of   of the natural gas extracted with oil while at
       until 2050.                         micro LNG plants.                    the same time creating additional economic
         During 2023 and 2024, Aibel will award   OneLNG and Ecospray intend to target   value. Ecospray’s flare-recovery systems
       several major contracts to its subcontractors   the US stranded wells market and shale oil   represent an important step toward the
       for work at the plant and will facilitate the   flare gas recovery using Ecospray’s micro-  World Bank’s “Zero Routine Flaring by 2030”
       use of local suppliers in several phases of   liquefaction technology.   initiative goals.
       the project, including construction. The   The technology offers owners and   Ecospray’s goal has always been to identify
       engineering/design work starts immediately.  operators of the shale oil wells the chance to   new technologies that improve processes
         Aibel will carry out large, complex   avoid gas flaring, reducing the environmental   by minimising ‘waste’ and reducing its
       modifications at Hammerfest LNG. The   impact and turning an operating cost into a   environmental impact. In this case, thanks
       company will also build larger modules at   source of revenue.           to the solution designed by Ecospray, it is
       their yards, and most of the work will be   The agreement – signed by Maurizio   possible to recover a resource and use it to
       carried out in the period of 2024 – 2026.  Archetti, President, Ecospray, and Kees   generate energy.
         The largest project at Melkøya since the   Onstein, Chairman & Co-Founder, OneLng
       plant came on stream, Snøhvit Future, will   – provides for the supply of an innovative

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