Page 17 - GLNG Week 07 2023
P. 17
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Oil & Gas Roundup FSUOGM: Azerbaijan Targets Further
Global (NRG), in which the reader is invited Growth In Gas Exports In 2023
to join our team of international editors, who China’s largest offshore oil and gas producer
provide a snapshot of some of the key issues Azerbaijan will boost natural gas exports
affecting their regional beats. We hope you will to 24.5bn cubic metres in 2023, from 22.6
like NRG's new concise format, but by clicking bcm last year, Azeri President Ilham Aliyev
on the headline link for each section the full text announced at a ministerial meeting of the
will be available as before. Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council on
February 3.
AfrOil: NGOs File Complaint Against US In- GLNG: China’s LNG Imports Forecast To
surer Over Role In EACOP Project Rebound After Plunging 20% In 2022
A group of non-governmental organisations China’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports
(NGOs) has alleged that New York-based are projected to recover in 2023 to between
Marsh, a member of the Marsh McLennan 70mn and 72mn tonnes, marking a 9% to
Group, is violating international guidelines 14% rise from 2022, analysts at Rystad Energy,
for responsible business conduct by Wood Mackenzie and ICIS told Reuters.
brokering insurance underwriting services In 2022, LNG imports to China fell 20%
for the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline year on year to 64.4mn tonnes as strict Covid
(EACOP) project. lockdowns combined with increased use of
The group, which pairs Inclusive natural gas from domestic production and
Development International (IDI) of the US pipeline sources dinted the country’s appetite.
with 10 Ugandan and Tanzanian NGOs
focused on environmental and human LatAmOil: Perupetro To Negotiate New Ex-
rights issues, has filed a complaint against ploration Deals Directly With Investors
Marsh with the National Contact Point Peru’s national oil and gas concessionaire Peru-
(NCP), a division of the US Department of petro revealed on February 2 that it had opened
State. up 31 new exploration licences for investment
and was prepared to negotiate directly with pro-
AsianOil: Russia, China Sign Intergovt Deal spective partners.
On Far Eastern Gas Supplies Fernando Ruiz Lecaros, a member of
Russia and China have signed an Perupetro’s board of directors, told investors
intergovernmental agreement on pipeline gas in Houston that the new licence areas were
deliveries via the Far East, the Russian energy located within the Madre de Dios, Maranon,
ministry has reported in a document last Salaverry, Tumbes and Uyucali basins.
week, moving the two sides to a new stage in
negotiations on the supply route. MEOG: Kish Gas Development Deal Signed
The agreement, signed by the two Two state-owned Iranian firms signed a $900mn
governments on January 31, sets out the key deal last week for the development of the
parameters for a 10 bn cubic metre per year country’s second-largest gas field in the Persian
gas supply contract that they clinched in Gulf.
February 2022. A signing ceremony was held in Tehran
over the weekend between the Iranian
DMEA: Militia Threatens Iraqi Pipeline Offshore Engineering and Construction Co.
An Iraqi militant group with links to Iran this (IOEC) and Pars Oil and Gas Co.
week made vague threats to halt any effort to
establish a pipeline route linking Basra with NorthAmOil: Equinor Receives Licence For
the Red Sea. Discovery Off Newfoundland
Various versions of plans to build a The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador
1,600-km conduit to carry crude oil from Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) has
Iraq’s oil-rich Basra Governorate to the Red issued a license to Equinor for the Cappahayden
Sea port of Aqaba have been on the drawing K-67 discovery in the province's waters. The See the archive and
board since 1982, with political, technical board estimates that it holds about 385mn barrels sign up to receive
and commercial concerns converging to of recoverable oil. It is C-NLOPB’s first such *NRG Editor’s Picks*
derail progress. licence in two years. for free by email each
week here
Week 07 16•February•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P17