Page 6 - DMEA Week 05 2023
P. 6

DMEA                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

      Militia threatens planned

      Basra-Aqaba pipeline

       An Iraqi militant group with links to Iran this week made vague threats to

       halt any effort to establish a pipeline route linking Basra with the Red Sea.

        IRAQ             VARIOUS versions of plans to build a 1,600-km  were ongoing but added that the project was
                         conduit to carry crude oil from Iraq’s oil-rich  only likely to proceed if costs were reduced sig-
                         Basra Governorate to the Red Sea port of Aqaba  nificantly, offering a ballpark figure of “less than
                         have been on the drawing board since 1982, with  $9bn”. Last year, Jordan’s Minister of Energy and
                         political, technical and commercial concerns  Mineral Resources, Saleh Kharabsheh, gave a
                         converging to derail progress.       price of $7-9bn.
                           However, following meetings held in   A few months later, MoO spokesman Assem
                         mid-January in Baghdad between Jordanian  Jihad said that the ministry had received two
                         parliamentary speaker Ahmad Al-Safadi and  proposals to finance the project at a higher cost,
                         his Iraqi counterpart, Muhammad Halbousi,  noting an upper limit of $8.5bn.
                         suggested that work would soon begin on the
                         cross-border link.                   Security concerns
                           This potential progress appears to have  The restive nature of the Anbar Governorate in
                         angered the Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba  Western Iraq is a particularly sizeable challenge
                         (HHN), which reports to Iran’s elite Quds Force,  for the project. Parts of the region have slipped in
                         part of the Islamic Republic Revolutionary  and out of control by ISIS since 2014.
                         Guard Corps (IRGC).                    Companies have previously abandoned bids
                           Leader of HHN’s political council Ali al-As-  as security concerns in the region mount, despite
                         adi was quoted by local media as saying: “Jor-  large amounts of government resources hav-
                         danians must know their battle is doomed for  ing been assigned towards military campaigns
                         failure. [The Basrah-Aqaba oil pipeline] will  against the group, and large amounts of territory
                         never be. Let them try and they shall witness  having been retaken by the government.
                         what happens to them and whoever collaborates   Despite government success, the Iraqi oil
                         with them.”                          ministry has nevertheless continued to alter the
                           The project will be divided into two parts: the  route of the pipeline to prevent further investors
                         first phase includes installing a 56-inch (1,422-  from leaving.
                         mm), 680-km pipeline with a capacity of 2.25mn   This has added a further 200-300km to the
                         barrels per day (bpd) from the Rumaila oilfield  project. Since these issues and a further wait due
                         to Najaf, built in three phases.     to the Covid-19 pandemic, a senior fellow at
                           The second package covers the installation  the Iraq Energy Institute stated that the project
                         of a 42-inch (1,066-mm), 973-km pipeline from  would most likely be placed “on the back burner.”
                         Najaf to the Jordanian border and on to Aqaba
                         with a capacity of 1mn bpd. The latter will  Mutual importance
                         include a spur carrying 150,000 bpd to the Jor-  Iraq and Jordan have both stated that the project
                         dan Petroleum Refinery Co. (JoPetrol) at Zarqa  is of vital strategic importance. It offers Iraq an
                         and covering its full capacity.      alternative to over-reliance on its Gulf oil termi-
                           With concerns having previously been raised  nals while also opening a quicker route to mar-
                         about the potential for the pipeline’s costs to spi-  kets in Europe and the US, and also bypassing
                         ral, Halbousi stressed that “the financial cost of  the Strait of Hormuz.
                         the Basra-Aqaba pipeline has been reduced”.  However, at a time of low oil prices resulting
                           Estimates for its construction have come in  in low economic growth and a long conflict with
                         as high as $26bn, based on a $4bn fee to develop  militants, the Iraqi government is potentially set
                         the Iraqi portion of the line, with the section in  to suffer revenue shortages, which may hamper
                         Jordanian territory costing up to $22bn. A price  the outlook for the pipeline plan.
                         of $12bn has also been quoted for implementing   Meanwhile, for Jordan, which is reliant on
                         the project, while in 2019, $18bn was talked of as  imports for around 97% of domestic demand,
                         the sum for constructing an extended version of  the project would provide a hard-wired supply
                         the line running to Egypt.           stream, fed directly into its sole refinery, while
                           In November 2021, the Ministry of Oil  pipeline tariffs would provide a steady revenue
                         (MoO) said that technical and commercial talks  for the state.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 05   02•Febuary•2023
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