Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Leadership change in Alberta could

       cause headaches for Ottawa

       New Alberta Premier Danielle Smith looks likely to clash more with Ottawa on energy

       production and climate change than her predecessor

        ALBERTA          A change of leadership in Alberta could create  Alberta’s oil
                         new headaches for Canadian Prime Minister  The future of Alberta’s oil sands has looked
       WHAT:             Justin Trudeau as he tries to guide the country  increasingly uncertain in recent years, both on
       Alberta’s new premier   towards its decarbonisation targets. New Alberta  environmental and economic grounds. The oil
       looks set to clash more   Premier Danielle Smith was sworn in on Octo-  price downturns that began in the mid-2010s
       with Ottawa on energy   ber 11 after winning the United Conservative  played a significant part in drawing investors
       production.       Party (UCP) leadership race. Her predecessor,  away from the region but environmental con-
                         Jason Kenney, stepped down after receiving  cerns have also contributed.
       WHY:              51.4% support in a leadership review.  Some international majors that are active in
       Danielle Smith’s    Smith campaigned on a platform of putting  the oil sands have sought to demonstrate publicly
       campaign focused on   Alberta first and “fighting back” against Ottawa,  that they will focus more on cleaner energy. Most
       prioritising Alberta’s   after what she described as “nothing but hostility  recently this has included France’s TotalEnergies,
       energy resources without   for the last seven years” from the federal govern-  which said in late September that it intended to
       asking the federal   ment under Trudeau.               spin off its oil sands operations as those assets do
       government’s permission.  “Today marks a new beginning in the Alberta  not fit with its lower-emissions strategy. While
                         story,” Smith told UCP members after winning  this does not represent a full exit, it is reflective
       WHAT NEXT:        the leadership race earlier this month. “No  of broader attitudes towards investing in the oil
       This stance puts her   longer will Alberta ask permission from Ottawa  sands among international majors.
       on a potential collision   to be prosperous and free,” she continued. “We   As a result of this ongoing trend, oil sands
       course with Ottawa as   will not have our resources landlocked or our  operations have become increasingly concen-
       the country pursues its   energy phased out of existence by a virtue-sig-  trated in the hands of a small number of Cana-
       decarbonisation agenda.  nalling prime minister.”      dian producers – primarily Canadian Natural
                           Comments such as these set the stage for  Resources Ltd (CNRL), Suncor Energy, Impe-
                         confrontations between Smith and Trudeau on  rial Oil and Cenovus Energy. Even those com-
                         issues such as oil production and climate change.  panies, however, have shied away from major
                         This comes as Ottawa comes under pressure over  new oil sands investments in recent years amid
                         its decarbonisation targets amid questions over  increasingly stringent regulatory requirements
                         how oil sands production fits with long-term  for major projects and uncertainties over federal
                         net-zero emissions goals. Smith, it seems, will  and provincial decarbonisation policies.
                         push back against those goals.         These operators have benefited from the rise

                                                                                                  New Alberta Premier
                                                                                                  Danielle Smith

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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