Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  US President Joe Biden
                                                                                                  is under pressure as
                                                                                                  midterm elections

       More SPR releases possible, Biden

       confirms, as midterms loom

        US               THE administration of US President Joe Biden  refill the reserve once the price of oil has been
                         has announced another 15mn barrels of oil will  lowered to $70 per barrel. In early trading on
                         be sold from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve  October 20, West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
                         (SPR), with the president confirming that more  prices were almost $87 per barrel.
                         releases may occur in an attempt to rein in the   Biden also called on oil companies to pass on   Biden said the
                         retail price of gasoline.            some of their profits to consumers.
                           The midterm Congressional elections are   Profits at the six largest publicly traded oil   government
                         looming on November 8 and US voters typically  companies topped $70bn in the second quarter,
                         vote on the basis of their cost of living. Inflation  Biden said, and that the companies had spent  would buy oil to
                         has been high. Americans are also especially sen-  $20bn on buybacks in the first half of the year.
                         sitive to the price of gasoline, although it is lower   “My message to the American energy compa- refill the reserve
                         than in June.                        nies is this: You should not be using your profits   once the price
                           Global oil supply disruptions have been exac-  to buy back stock or for dividends. Not now. Not
                         erbated since Russia invaded Ukraine in Febru-  while a war is raging. You should be using these   of oil has been
                         ary and as economies have ramped up following  record-breaking profits to increase production
                         the pandemic.                        and refining,” Biden said. “So far American com-  lowered to $70
                           The US Department of Energy (DoE) had  panies are using that windfall of profits to buy
                         already announced that around 1mn barrels  back their own stock, passing that money on to   per barrel.
                         would be released from the SPR over six months,  their shareholders, not to consumers.”
                         and this latest release completes that promise.  US gasoline prices are currently some $3.85
                           “I’ve told my team behind me here to be pre-  per US gallon on average. Biden said that gaso-
                         pared to look for further releases in the months  line prices should be lower, and on a par with the
                         ahead if needed,” said Biden. “We’re calling it a  drop in oil prices of 30% since a June high. If oil
                         ready and release plan. This allows us to move  companies were not earning record profits and
                         quickly to prevent oil price spikes and respond  were only earning what they have made in the
                         to international events.”            last 17 years, Americans would pay $0.60 less at
                           Biden said the government would buy oil to  the pump, he said.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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