Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           proposed Phase 1 liquefaction project under   Arthur LNG Project with the signing of a
                                           development in Jefferson County, Texas. The   series of non-binding agreements with the
       Shell USA completes                 amended contract includes an updated price   Polish Oil & Gas Company (PGNiG), RWE
                                                                                Supply & Trading, INEOS Energy Trading
                                           of approximately $10.5bn.
       acquisiton of Shell                 with Bechtel. The execution of the final   and ConocoPhillips.
                                              “We are excited to achieve this milestone
                                                                                  Development of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of
       Midstream Partners                  contract is a critical step in advancing Phase 1   the Port Arthur LNG project is contingent
                                           of Port Arthur LNG toward a final investment
                                                                                upon completing the required commercial
       Shell USA and Shell Midstream Partners   decision,” said Justin Bird, CEO of Sempra   agreements, securing all necessary permits,
       (SHLX) today announced the completion   Infrastructure. “Based on robust customer   obtaining financing, and reaching an
       of the transactions contemplated by the   interest, we know that Port Arthur LNG is   affirmative final investment decision, among
       previously announced agreement and plan   highly attractive to the global market and we   other factors.
       of merger, pursuant to which Shell USA   look forward to providing customers with   SEMPRA INFRASTRUCTURE, October 20, 2022
       acquired all of the common units representing   access to secure, abundant and reliable US
       limited partner interests in SHLX not held   LNG.”
       by Shell USA or its affiliates for $15.85 per   “We are delighted to continue our   ENERGY TRANSITION
       public common unit in cash and a total value   partnership with Sempra Infrastructure to
       of approximately $1.96bn. As a result of the   deliver cleaner and more affordable energy   Air Liquide, Chevron,
       transaction, SHLX is now an indirect, wholly   to communities around the world. Alongside
       owned subsidiary of Shell USA.      Sempra Infrastructure, Bechtel is ready to   LyondellBasell and Uniper
         Effective with the opening of markets   continue active construction in the Gulf Coast
       today, SHLX’s units will no longer be listed   and bring more opportunities to the local   to pursue lower-carbon
       on the New York Stock Exchange, and it will   region,” added Paul Marsden, president of
       cease to be a publicly traded company.  Bechtel Energy.                  hydrogen and ammonia
       SHELL USA, October 19, 2022            Under the EPC contract, Bechtel
                                           will perform the detailed engineering,   project along the US Gulf
                                           procurement, construction, commissioning,
       SERVICES                            startup, performance testing and operator   Coast
                                           training activities for Phase 1 of the project.
       Sempra Infrastructure               is permitted and expected to include two   Air Liquide, Chevron, LyondellBasell and
                                              The Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project
                                                                                Uniper SE have announced their intent to
       announces final EPC                 natural gas liquefaction trains and LNG   collaborate on a joint study that will evaluate
                                                                                and potentially advance the development
                                           storage tanks, and associated facilities capable
       contract with Bechtel for           of producing, under optimal conditions, up   of a hydrogen and ammonia production
                                           to approximately 13.5 million tonnes per
                                                                                facility along the US Gulf Coast. The facility
       Port Arthur LNG                     annum of LNG. A similarly sized Port Arthur   could support industrial decarbonisation
                                                                                and mobility applications in the region and
                                           LNG Phase 2 project is also competitively
       Sempra Infrastructure, a subsidiary of Sempra,  positioned and under active marketing and   expand clean ammonia exports, helping to
       today announced that Port Arthur LNG and   development.                  increase the supply of lower-carbon power
       Bechtel Energy have amended and restated   Earlier this year, Sempra Infrastructure   internationally.
       the fixed-price engineering, procurement   announced the substantial completion of   The potential project to be studied is
       and construction (EPC) contract, for the   marketing for Phase 1 of the proposed Port   intended to cover the end-to-end energy

       Week 42   20•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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