Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       value chain, utilising each participant’s   comprehensive, measurement-based reporting  mature in September 2026. The term loan
       technical expertise in production, operational   framework intended to improve the accuracy   was converted to a sustainability-linked
       experience, storage, distribution, and export   and transparency of methane emissions   loan, which highlights EPIC’s continued
       logistics. Collectively, the consortium   reporting in the oil and gas sector. Cheniere   commitment to a sustainable future. The
       will bring capabilities and expertise in air   joins OGMP 2.0 as part of the company’s   proceeds were used to refinance existing debt
       separation technology, hydrogen technologies,   continued commitment to increased climate   and for general corporate purposes.
       lower carbon intensity and renewable   transparency and data-driven actions that   The term loan has received a second party
       natural gas, carbon capture and storage   address methane emissions.     opinion from Sustainable Fitch confirming
       (CCS), electrolysis-based technologies, and   Joining OGMP 2.0 is consistent with and   it has been structured in line with the LSTA
       petrochemicals.                     enhanced by Cheniere’s climate strategy   Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles. The
         Specifically, the consortium will assess   initiatives, including the Company’s   sustainability performance target aims to
       the potential for producing hydrogen using   collaborative programs to quantify, monitor,   reduce releases by 25% compared to the
       natural gas with CCS and renewable hydrogen   report, and verify (QMRV) greenhouse   baseline across the Company and affiliated
       via electrolysis to supply end-use markets,   gas (GHG) emissions across the supply   entities EPIC Crude and EPIC Y-Grade.
       including the ammonia, petrochemicals,   chain with natural gas suppliers, midstream   The EPIC asset portfolio includes 1,695
       power, and mobility markets.        companies, shipping companies, and   miles of pipeline that is monitored around
         If development proceeds, the project could   academic institutions. Cheniere has initiated   the clock by a fibre-optic leak detection
       leverage existing advantages along the Gulf   the QMRV programme to begin measuring   system. EPIC’s fibre-optic-based supervisory
       Coast, including pipeline infrastructure, to   GHG emissions at its Sabine Pass and Corpus   control and data acquisition (SCADA) and
       supply lower carbon and renewable hydrogen   Christi liquefaction terminals, as well as   communications combined with distributed
       to local industrial clusters. Likewise, ammonia   natural gas transmission facilities, consistent   acoustic systems (DAS) intrusion and leak
       infrastructure could support exports to both   with the OGMP 2.0 reporting framework.   detection technology enhances pipeline
       Europe and the Asia Pacific region.  Cheniere also announced it has begun   safety and efficient operations throughout the
       AIR LIQUIDE, CHEVRON, LYONDELLBASELL   issuing Cargo Emissions Tags (CE Tags) to its   life of EPIC’s pipeline systems. Fibre-optics
       AND UNIPER SE, October 19, 2022     customers, which estimate GHG emissions   technology enables quick delivery of data
                                           associated with each cargo produced by   for operational decision-making and helps
       Cheniere joins UNEP’s               Cheniere, underpinned by the company’s   prevent or dramatically reduce the effects
                                                                                of a pipeline incident by transmitting key
                                           peer-reviewed GHG life cycle analysis.
       Oil and Gas Methane                 CHENIERE ENERGY, October 19, 2022    information in real time.
                                                                                  “EPIC operates its assets with a focus on
       Partnership 2.0                     EPIC Midstream announces             protecting the environment while providing
                                                                                a safe and reliable transport service to ensure
       Cheniere Energy, the largest US producer of   offering of its first      access to energy for the entire world,” said
       liquefied natural gas (LNG), today announced                             Brian Freed, the company’s chief executive
       that it has joined the Oil and Gas Methane   sustainability-linked loan  officer. “The bond offering highlights our
       Partnership (OGMP) 2.0, the United Nations                               continued focus on sustainability efforts.”
       Environment Programme’s (UNEP) flagship   EPIC Propane Pipeline has closed on an   EPIC PROPANE PIPELINE, October 19, 2022
       oil and gas methane emissions reporting   amendment and extension of its term loan
       and mitigation initiative. OGMP 2.0 is a   with Riverstone Credit Partners that will

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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