Page 15 - MEOG Week 11 2023
P. 15

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       to flood the hub, while latest price caps on   to grow because of new projects.  SERVICES
       Russian petroleum products have a mild   Fujairah will be commissioning a dry bulk
       impact on trade, industry executives said on   export facility in Dibba, adding about 18   Heisco lands $223mn
       Tuesday.                            million tonnes of aggregate handling capacity.
         Russian oil barrels have been flowing   Landed stocks at Fujairah averaged at 11.47   Kuwait oil flow line project
       into popular ship-to-ship transfer hubs in   million barrels (1.81 million tonnes) per week
       the Middle East and Asia since last year as   in 2022, climbing from 10.26 million barrels   contract
       Western sanctions led to the reshuffling of   (1.62 million tonnes) in 2021, based on data
       trade flows.                        from the Fujairah Oil Industry Zone. More   Heavy Engineering Industries and
         “We have seen a huge influx of Russian   recently, storage volumes jumped sharply after   Shipbuilding Company (Heisco) has
       barrels coming into Fujairah ... particularly   February sanctions on Russian oil products   announced that it has signed a contract with
       Urals (crude oil) and naphtha,” Maha   and Kuwait’s Al Zour refinery ramped up   Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) for the construction
       Abdelmajeed, commercial manager at VTTI   exports.                       of flowlines and associated works on the
       Fujairah Terminals, said at the Fujairah   Russia has been selling crude and   country’s western side. As per the KD68.5mn
       Bunkering and Fuel Oil Forum (FUJCON)   refined products at discounted prices after   ($223mn) contract, the entire project will be
       on Tuesday. The hub is expected to register   international sanctions while the UAE has   competed within the next five years, stated
       strong and healthy demand for storage going   been taking more cargoes of Russian crude oil,  Heisco in its filing to the Boursa Kuwait.
       forward, Abdelmajeed added.         according to ship-tracking data and sources.  A major engineering, procurement and
         Total storage capacity at Fujairah stands   Russian fuel oil has also flooded Middle   construction (EPC) contracting company
       at 11.1 million cubic metres so far, based on   East markets since last year, with little signs of   based in Kuwait, Heisco caters to a diversified
       port statistics. Existing tanks are already at full   abating despite latest price caps on Russian oil   range of businesses.
       capacity, said trade sources on the sidelines of   products.               These include oil and gas, petrochemicals,
       the forum.                             “I don’t think the price cap really makes   power, pressure equipment manufacturing,
         Fujairah had a record year in terms of oil   much of a difference... most of the Russian oil   shipbuilding and repair, dredging and
       cargoes in 2022, with close to 12,500 vessels   has been priced below the price cap anyway,”   marine construction, civil construction
       calling at its offshore anchorage area, statistics   Saudi Industrial Export Company’s chief   and maintenance as well as other industrial
       show.                               commercial officer Andrew Laven told the   services including Heavy Industry projects.
         Amid the reshuffling of trade flows,   forum. The price caps on petroleum products,   The revenue will be shown in annual financial
       volumes at the port were up about 10%   which kicked in on February 5, could instead   statements from 2023 - 2027, it added.
       last year, said Martijn Heijboer, business   have some impact on refining margins, said   TRADE ARABIA
       development manager at the port of Fujairah.  Laven. Meanwhile, Vitol Bahrain’s regional
         “There is still some uncertainty this year as   head of fuel Paul Kelly said that the price caps
       the price cap (on Russian oil) just started in   are there to “maintain the flow of oil” and “not
       February,” said Heijboer, adding that there is   to stop the flow”.
       room for transit volumes and storage demand   REUTERS

       Week 11   15•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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