Page 14 - MEOG Week 11 2023
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       COMPANIES                           revenue to $2.67 billion, up 18% year-on-year,   technology deployment, operational
                                           with EBITDA up 18% to $1.23 billion.  excellence, decarbonisation and supply chain
       ADNOC Drilling board give           ADNOC DRILLING                       development for Oman’s oil and gas industry.
                                                                                  Phimister added, “oil and gas has a role
       dividend recommendation PDO unveils its new                              in the global energy system for decades to
                                                                                come, but hydrocarbon development must be
       ADNOC Drilling announced that its Board   purpose and strategy           sustainable. We have a responsibility to sustain
       of Directors recommends a final dividend                                 the current energy system whilst we build
       payment of $341.25 million for 2022, subject   Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), the   the new (low carbon) energy system. PDO
       to shareholder approval at the upcoming   sultanate’s leading oil and gas exploration and   has bold plans to safely increase oil and gas
       Annual General Meeting.             production company, on Tuesday unveiled   production whilst at the same time halving
         In its first full year since listing in 2021, the   its new corporate purpose and strategy,   its emissions. And PDO is well-positioned, in
       Company has delivered enhanced shareholder   outlining how it will continue to serve Oman   partnership with others, to build sustainable,
       returns with a total 2022 dividend of $682.5   and deliver value to the sultanate in a rapidly   low-carbon revenue streams for the future of
       million. ADNOC Drilling’s dividend policy   changing and volatile energy landscape.  Oman.”
       is progressive, reflecting robust underlying   The company’s new purpose –   PDO conducted an interactive session with
       cash flow, and the annual distribution is   ‘Building a sustainable and low-carbon   local and international media representatives
       expected to grow by at least 5% per annum on   future to maximise value for Oman’ –   to introduce the refreshed strategy and the
       a dividend per share basis over the next four   replaces its previous vision and mission which   new purpose during its participation in OSW.
       years (2023- 2026).                 were established more than ten years ago.  The company announced that it achieved
         Abdulrahman Abdullah Al Seiari, Chief   The official launch of PDO’s new purpose   good results during 2022 as its oil and gas
       Executive Officer of ADNOC Drilling,   was announced at the Oman Sustainability   production reached 660,00 barrels due to
       commented: “The attractive value proposition   Week (OSW) conference and exhibition,   improved efficiency of fields and use of
       that we offer is backed by our recently   which PDO co-hosted with the Ministry   modern technologies in the production
       published record 2022 results, stable and   of Energy and Minerals for the second   process.
       predictable cash flow and a progressive   consecutive year.                Phimster explained that PDO aspires to
       dividend policy that reaffirms our ongoing   In the exhibition, PDO showcased its   increase its oil and gas production to more
       commitment to shareholders. As we acquire   refreshed strategy at an exhibition booth,   than 700,000 barrels per day in the coming
       and deploy new rigs, expanding our services   giving attendees a glimpse of its existing   years while reducing carbon emissions and
       even further, our revenue will grow along with   projects and future plans to generate   unit operating costs.
       shareholder returns.”               sustainable revenue for Oman today and in   MUSCAT DAILY
         The Company will hold its Annual General   the low-carbon future.
       Meeting on April 3, 2023 where shareholders   Addressing a media gathering, PDO’s
       will be asked to consider and approve, among   managing director Steve Phimister said,   OIL
       other things, the Board’s proposal to distribute   “Maximising value for Oman is at the heart of
       a final dividend payment for 2022 of $341.25   our purpose, to fulfill our role in contributing   Fujairah port set for growth
       million. The dividend will be paid in line   to Oman’s Vision 2040 and net zero emissions
       with the UAE Securities and Commodities   2050. PDO is committed to both cost and   as Russian oil trade
       Authority regulations.              carbon competitiveness – safely, efficiently
         ADNOC Drilling recently announced   and sustainably growing our core oil and gas   reshuffles
       exceptional 2022 results, beating market   business whilst minimising emissions from
       expectations and delivering record net   our operations.”                Oil storage demand and transit volumes are
       profit of $802 million, up 33% year-on-year.   Under its new strategy, PDO aims to   poised to grow further at the UAE’s Fujairah
       Outstanding operational growth drove   pioneer the new energy landscape, leading   port this year as Russian trade flows continue

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   15•March•2023
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