Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2021
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
carbon natural gas to international markets. largest gas utility in the US, today announced by providing clean fuels and innovative
Signing this agreement is an important the company’s bold commitment to achieve technologies essential to carbon neutrality
milestone in scaling up OLCV’s pure net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in for California. Through collaboration and
sequestration business and providing services its operations and delivery of energy by 2045. partnership, California can develop clean
to help others achieve their net zero goals,” This commitment makes SoCalGas the energy solutions at scale and serve as a global
said Richard Jackson, Occidental’s president, largest gas distribution utility in North beacon for energy innovation.”
operations, US onshore resources and carbon America to set a net zero target including SoCalGas, which serves nearly 22
management. “The CO2 sequestration facility scopes 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions, which million residents, representing half the
proposed for South Texas is a great example would eliminate not only its own direct state’s population, has a long record of
of the many sequestration hubs that OLCV emissions, but also those generated by emissions reduction progress in support
plans to develop across the United States, and customers’ energy delivered by SoCalGas’ of California’s environmental goals. This
eventually around the globe.” energy infrastructure. includes implementing energy efficiency
NEXTDECADE AND OXY LOW CARBON SoCalGas’ commitment aligns with the programs, delivering increasing amounts
VENTURES, March 25, 2021 Paris Climate Agreement’s recommendations of carbon-negative renewable natural gas
and reflects the company’s focus on (RNG), and developing zero-carbon hydrogen
Southern California supporting California with a resilient gas grid technologies, among others. These efforts
through the energy transition to support a
have resulted in carbon reductions of over
Gas sets bold net zero carbon neutral economy. 3.2 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide
equivalent (CO2e), the equivalent of removing
“Our mission is to build the cleanest,
emissions pledge safest and most innovative energy company more than 700,000 passenger vehicles off the
road for an entire year.
in America,” said Scott Drury, SoCalGas
Southern California Gas (SoCalGas), the CEO. “We will lead the energy transition SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS, March 23, 2021
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 12 25•March•2021