Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       FERC incorporates emissions

       into gas certificate decision

        US               THE US Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-  pragmatic compromise, and without a compro-
                         sion (FERC) has incorporated a review of cli-  mise, infrastructure projects won’t get built,”
                         mate change impacts into a natural gas certificate  Chatterjee said at FERC’s open meeting on
                         decision for the first time.         March 18, where the decision was first reached.
                           This week, the regulator approved Northern  Consultancy IHS Markit noted that Chatterjee’s
                         Natural Gas’ request to build 87.3 miles (140.5  support was critical, given that the Republicans
                         km) of replacement pipeline to upgrade its sys-  hold a 3-2 majority at the commission, despite a
                         tem in South Dakota and Nebraska, taking into  Democrat being the current chair.
                         account the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions   Danly and Christie have both said that
                         that would be generated by the project. It ulti-  they would prefer for FERC’s policy to remain
                         mately concluded that the impacts of the pro-  unchanged until a policy review process that
                         ject’s emissions were “not significant”.  Glick started on February 18 has been com-
                           FERC commissioner Neil Chatterjee, a  pleted. Danly noted that no threshold has yet
                         Republican who formerly chaired the commis-  been established for what level of emissions
                         sion under US President Donald Trump, joined  would be considered significant. He also went   Glick has
                         current FERC chairman Richard Glick and Alli-  a step further, calling on pipeline operators
                         son Clements, both Democrats, in the decision.  to protect their interests by filing interven-  argued that
                         Republican commissioners James Danly and  tion letters to protest the review of GHG
                         Mark Christie both voiced partial dissents over  emissions.                the new policy
                         incorporating such a major policy shift into the   And this seems to have had at least some
                         otherwise small March 22 decision, but ulti-  impact, Enbridge Pipeline has already filed a   will actually
                         mately it was approved.              request for late intervention in the Northern   provide pipeline
                           The decision marks a significant policy pivot  Natural Gas project. In its request, Enbridge said
                         for FERC, which has indicated that it will con-  it was “concerned about the possibility of indus-  developers with
                         tinue assessing the impact of projects’ GHG  try-wide policy changes occurring in individual
                         emissions and their contribution to climate  certificate dockets” at the commission. “Such  greater protection
                         change.                              policy changes have the potential to apply gen-
                           “A proposed pipeline’s contribution to cli-  erally to all natural gas industry participants,   and certainty.
                         mate change is one of the most consequential  and affect the natural gas industry as a whole and
                         environmental impacts and we must consider  each of the Enbridge Gas Pipelines individually
                         all evidence in the record – both qualitative and  in a manner not contemplated in discrete pro-
                         quantitative – to assess the significance of that  ceedings,” the company added.
                         impact,” Glick stated. His stance was supported   However, Glick has argued that the new pol-
                         by Chatterjee, who said the new approach bal-  icy will actually provide pipeline developers with
                         anced environmental concerns with the need to  greater protection and certainty, while FERC’s
                         expand the US’ pipeline infrastructure.  prior refusal to consider GHG impacts had left
                           “This is a big, bipartisan step forward. It’s a  all approvals on shaky legal ground.™

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