Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           However, a MAAW Law international trade  leases across the Western states, more than 9mn
                         lawyer and principal, Mark Warner, told Can-  acres (36,422 square km) offshore and about
                         ada’s Financial Post that the new lawsuit raises  7,700 unused drilling permits.
                         “legitimate legal arguments that you could fight   Indeed,  Louisiana  Governor  John Bel
                         over for years”. Unless TC Energy announces  Edwards, a Democrat, who is urging Biden to
                         that it is cancelling the pipeline outright, Key-  reconsider the moratorium, has nonetheless
                         stone XL may therefore not be dead for some  also pointed to the stockpiled undeveloped
                         time yet.                            leases and the fact that permits are now being
                                                              issued for them.
                         Federal leasing                       “Just as you’re starting to have the communi-
                         The lawsuit against Biden’s moratorium on fed-  cations get you to a point where you’re feeling
                         eral leasing similarly raises concerns over lost  better about things and the permits are being
                         jobs and revenue and argues that the move rep-  issued probably isn’t the best time to file litiga-
                         resents an overreach. Biden and multiple federal  tion,” Edwards said.
                         agencies bypassed comment periods and other
                         bureaucratic steps required before such morato-  What next?
                         ria can be put into place, the states involved have  There is much as yet unknown about how long
                         claimed in the lawsuit.              the litigation will go on for or what its outcome  Biden can expect
                           Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, who  may be. What is more certain, however, is that
                         led the lawsuit, accused the Biden administra-  Biden can expect to keep running into opposi-  to keep running
                         tion at a news conference of “effectively banning  tion to his oil and gas policies and moves. While   into opposition
                         oil and gas activity that supports businesses,  it will mostly come from Republicans, it can also
                         employs our workers and, also, as importantly,  come from moderate Democrats, and those   to his oil and
                         funds our coastal restoration projects”.  leading states where the oil and gas industry is a
                           The lawsuit seeks to reinstate scheduled lease  significant contributor to the economy.  gas policies and
                         sales that have been suspended in the US Gulf of   Biden’s plans ultimately involve renewables
                         Mexico and Alaska’s Cook Inlet, among others  and other forms of clean energy generating   moves.
                         that have also been postponed.       jobs and revenue. But these plans are still vague,
                           However, the Biden administration has  and their long-term nature means they can be
                         argued that the moratorium does not stop com-  derailed by a future president with a different
                         panies from drilling on their existing leases, and  view on energy policy.
                         thus if federal leasing is permanently ended, the   The challenge now is for Biden to achieve
                         impact will not be felt for some time.  as much as possible in terms of setting the US
                           “This will not affect oil and gas production  up for the energy transition over the next four
                         or jobs for years to come,” White House Press  years. But as these lawsuits show, the energy
                         Secretary Jen Psaki said when asked about the  transition comes at a price for oil and gas
                         lawsuit’s claims at a briefing this week.  companies and the states where they operate.
                           It is estimated that there are almost 14mn  And the path forward will not be a straight-
                         acres (56,656 square km) worth of undeveloped  forward one.™

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