Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         with 2014. Its investment in Svante illustrates  dioxide (CO2) from flue gas, concentrate it and
                         that it is also looking to carbon capture, and  then release it for storage or industrial use, with
                         aims to bring down the cost of the technology.  Svante claiming it can do this at half the capital
                                                              cost of “traditional engineered solutions”.
                         CCS focus                             Suncor’s investment brings the total pro-
                         Carbon capture is increasingly viewed as a  ceeds raised under Svante’s Series D financing
                         critical component of the energy transition,  to $100mn, completing what the companies
                         and Suncor’s investment, as well as Imperial’s  said was the largest single private investment
                         comments on future technologies, reflect this.  into point source carbon capture technology
                         Cenovus, too, has flagged up CCS in discus-  globally to date. US-based super-major Chev-
                         sions of its emissions reduction goals. When the  ron is also among the investors into the Series
                         company unveiled its net-zero target in January  D financing.
                         2020, Cenovus’ executive vice-president of envi-  “Svante has generated a pipeline of potential
                         ronment, corporate affairs and legal, Al Reid,  new project opportunities capturing over 40mn
                         described the goal as an “aspirational” one, but  tonnes of CO2 per year before 2030 from nat-
                         with a path to reaching it.          ural gas industrial boilers, cement and lime,
                           “The reason that it’s aspirational is we know  and blue hydrogen industrial facilities, mainly
                         there’s technologies that are in a nascent state  in North America and spurred by both US and  Cenovus, too, has
                         today that could allow that to happen,” he told  Canada federal CO2 tax credits and prices on
                         CBC News at the time. “But they’re not com-  CO2 emissions,” stated Svante’s president and   flagged up CCS
                         mercial today.” He added that CCS was a pri-  CEO, Claude Letourneau. “The net-zero pledges   in discussions
                         mary example of this, and was among the  of major countries and large corporations is also
                         initiatives Cenovus was working on as it set off   a key driver for the interest and rapid growth of   of its emissions
                         down the path to net zero.           the carbon capture and storage new industry.”
                           And commercialisation of CCS is also what   Cenovus is also an existing investor in Svante  reduction goals.
                         Suncor is targeting with its investment in Svante.  according to Letourneau.
                           “Carbon capture is a strategic technology   While Suncor and Imperial have not yet
                         area for Suncor to reduce GHG emissions in  adopted net-zero goals – and indeed Imperial is
                         our base business and produce blue hydrogen  resistant to taking the step – they can be seen to
                         as an energy product,” stated Suncor’s CEO,  be increasingly looking to carbon capture along-
                         Mark Little, last week. “An investment in Svante  side those oil sands majors that have committed
                         is expected to support the acceleration of com-  to net zero.
                         mercial scale deployment of a technology that   Commercialisation of CCS is among the
                         has the potential to dramatically reduce the cost  next step if carbon capture is to play the sig-
                         associated with carbon capture.”     nificant role in the energy transition that is
                           Vancouver-based Svante has now attracted  increasingly expected of it. How this will play
                         $175mn in total funding since it was founded  out remains unknown, but the rise in invest-
                         in 2007 to develop its solid sorbent technology.  ments into CCS players and technologies can
                         This technology will be used to capture carbon  only help speed the process.™

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