Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 29 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         These investments included a “major pro-  gas (GHG) emissions. Peregrino Phase II is
                         gramme of maintenance, upgrades and repairs”   designed to lower the absolute emissions of
                         on the floating production, storage and off-load-  carbon development operations at the field by
                         ing (FPSO) vessel already installed at Peregrino,   100,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon dioxide,
                         as well as the installation of Peregrino-C, a new   it said, and “[this] will be achieved by deploy-
                         platform, it explained.              ing digital solutions to optimise energy con-
                           Peregrino-C is the third wellhead platform   sumption, in addition to gas-powered power
                         installed at the field, it added. The platform “is   turbines to drastically reduce and replace diesel
                         progressing towards the start of production,   consumption.”
                         with the first oil expected in the third quarter   Peregrino, located in the Campos Basin off-
                         [of] 2022,” the statement noted.     shore Brazil, began first-phase production in
                           These operations, which took place within   2011, with the FPSO supporting the operation
                         the framework of the Peregrino Phase II pro-  of two wellhead platforms, Peregrino-A and
                         ject, will boost the production capacity of the   Peregrino-B. The remaining reserves available
                         field while also extending the operating life and   for extraction by these two platforms amount to
                         value of the field by permitting the extraction   about 180mn barrels.
                         of an additional 250-300mn barrels of crude oil.  Equinor owns a 60% stake in the field and
                           Additionally, Equinor said, the investments   serves as operator of the project, and the remain-
                         in production infrastructure will support the   ing equity is assigned to a state-owned Chinese
                         company’s overall efforts to reduce greenhouse   company, Sinochem. ™

                                              Peregrino is Equinor’s largest operated project outside Norway (Photo: Equinor)

       Week 29   21•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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