Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 29 2022
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       These vary between various licences and include  Improved ability to reduce production volatil-  S-10 diesel production in Q2-2022 was in the
       deduction of Government royalties, Heritage  ity. Reduced response times to well issues. Net  same level as Q1-2022, with a 55% participation
       overriding royalties, facilitation fees, escrow and  average production guidance for 2022 remains  on total diesel production. Compared with the
       mandatory contributions to the abandonment  2,900-3,100 bpd of oil (before the impact of the  first quarter in 2021, the yield was higher by 6%,
       fund, oil impost, and in respect of Goudron and  drilling programme and/or acquisitions) (2021:  reflecting the strategic approach for an increase
       Inniss-Trinity only, deduction of agreed first  3,006 bpd of oil).       of the participation of cleaner products in Petro-
       tranche volume and addition of an agreed han-  Q2-2022 Financial Highlights Q2-2022  bras’ production porfolio.
       dling fee.                          average realisation of $96.8 per barrel (Q2-2021:   Pre-salt represented 73% of Petrobras total
         Background: Challenger Energy has five pro-  $59.4 per barrel). Operating cash flow pre-  production.
       ducing fields in Trinidad (Goudron, Inniss-Trin-  tax and pre-hedging of $6.9mn (unaudited),   The pre-salt oil fields represent 73% of Petro-
       ity, South Erin, Bonasse and Icacos), an appraisal  an increase of 25% compared to the previous  bras total production throughout Q2-2022.
       project (Saffron) and an exploration portfolio in  quarter (Q1-2022: $5.5mn). Cash balance  Their production was 1.94mn boepd between
       the South West Peninsula (SWP).     of $15.0mn (unaudited) as at June 30, 2022,  April and June.
       Challenger Energy, July 19 2022     reflecting the combination of strong operating   During the period, the average Petrobras oil,
                                           cash generation, the impact of which has been  LNG and natural gas production was 2.65mn
       Trinity Exploration                 reduced due to hedging related payments and  boepd, an amount 5.1% lower than the one pro-
                                           increased capex, including the purchase of long  duced in Q1-2022, due to the beginning of the
       announces Q2-2022                   lead items to support the drilling campaign.  production-sharing contract (PSC) of the sur-
                                           Average operating break-even for Q2-2022 was  plus volumes of the Atapu and Sepia Onerous
       operational update                  $31.3 per barrel (unaudited) (Q2-2021: $27.8 per  Session, on May 2, with a decrease of Petrobras
                                           barrel (unaudited).
                                                                                participation in these oilfields, in addition to a
       Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-  Outlook: Having commenced drilling on the  greater number of maintenance and interven-
       pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and  first of the six planned onshore wells, the near-  tion stops in the pre- and post-salt platforms.
       Tobago, has provided an update on operations  term focus is on completing the 2022 drilling  There was, however, a partial compensation with
       for the three-month period ended June 30, 2022.  programme safely, on time and on budget and  the beginning of production in the Guanabara
         The Company maintained robust production  bringing these wells onto production in short  FPSO (Mero oilfield), in April 30, and continu-
       and benefitted from a stronger realised oil price  order. It is expected that the 4 low-angle wells  ing ramp-up of the Carioca (Sépia oilfield) and
       in Q2-2022, when compared to Q1-2022, lead-  will be producing before this year ends, with  P-68 (Berbigão and Sururu oilfields) FPSOs,
       ing to a 25% increase in operating cash flow pre-  each contributing to a meaningful increase in  located in the Santos basin pre-salt.
       tax and pre-hedging. In addition to continuing  the daily production rate by the end of 2022.   The Carioca FPSO reached an average pro-
       the programme of recompletions and workovers  Production is anticipated to continue to increase  duction of 155,000 bpd of oil in the quarter and
       which kept production stable, during June drill-  into Q1-2023 subject to successful outcomes for  P-68 reached full production capacity in June
       ing operations commenced on the first well of  the horizontal well and deeper well, the combi-  21, which allowed the unit to reach 152,000 bpd,
       the planned six well campaign.      nation of which is projected to underpin a mate-  reaching an average production of 130,000 for
         Q2-2022 Operational Highlights, Safely  rial increase in operating cash flow for 2023, for  the given period. These effects were expected
       commenced the fully funded six well drilling  which no hedging instruments are in place.  and did not impact the 2022 production per-
       campaign within the WD-5/6 onshore block:   Trinity Exploration & Production, July 18 2022  spectives, of 2.6mn boepd, with a variation of
       Currently drilling the first of four low angle wells,                    plus or minus 4%.
       which will be followed by one horizontal and   Petrobras reaches 97%     Petrobras, July 21 2022
       one deep appraisal well. This drilling campaign
       is expected to lead to a meaningful increase in   refinery utilisation   GeoPark issues Q2-2022
       production by the end of Q1-2023, when all six
       wells are expected to be onstream.  The Petrobras Refineries have reached an Utili-  operational update
         Stable production: Q2-2022 production vol-  sation Factor (UTF) of 97% by the end of June.
       umes averaged 3,093 bpd of oil (Q1-2022: 3,013  The information is highlighted in the Produc-  GeoPark Ltd, a leading independent Latin
       bpd of oil; Q2-2021: 3,047 bpd of oil). Q2-2022  tion and Sales Report for the second quarter of  American oil and gas explorer, operator and con-
       production sold averaged 3,019 bpd of oil (Q1-  2022, publicised by the company this Wednes-  solidator today announces its operational update
       2022: 2,929 bpd of oil; Q2-2021: 3,013 bpd of  day, July 21.             for the three-month period ended June 30, 2022.
       oil). 9 recompletions (RCPs) (Q1-2022: 5) and   The UFT level was attained after the conclu-  Accelerating Production Growth: Consoli-
       31 workovers (Q1-2022: 24) were completed  sion of the programmed maintenance stops in  dated oil and gas production up 14% to 38,940
       during the period, with swabbing continuing  the Henrique Lage Refinery (REVAP), in São  boepd (up 2% vs Q1-2022). Production in
       across the Onshore and West Coast assets.  José dos Campos (SP), and the Duque de Caxias  Colombia up 16% to 34,253 boepd (up 2% vs
         Ongoing benefits from onshore automation:  Refinery (REDUC), in Rio de Janeiro. Such per-  Q1-2022). CPO-5 block (GeoPark non-op-
                                           formance allowed for a greater diesel, gasoline  erated, 30% WI) gross production up 77% to
                                           and QAV yield in the quarter, thus taking advan-  20,300 boepd (up 34% vs Q1-2022). Tigana and
                                           tage of favorable market conditions, respecting  Jacana fields in the Llanos 34 block (GeoPark
                                           the safety, environmental and quality require-  operated, 45% WI) and Indico field in the CPO-5
                                           ments, with a value generation focus.  block, rank among the top 10 highest oil-pro-
                                              The derivate sales volume in the second quar-  ducing fields in Colombia. Ten rigs in operation
                                           ter had an increase 1% regarding the first quar-  in July 2022, increasing to 12-13 (including 8-9
                                           ter and the volume of fuel production was 2,6%  drilling rigs) in H2-2022. On track to reach 2022
                                           higher compared to same period in the last year.  full-year guidance of 38,500-40,500 boepd.

       Week 29   21•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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