Page 17 - EurOil Week 10 2023
P. 17

EurOil                        NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           EurOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Oil & Gas Roundup  reported on March 2.
                         Global (NRG), in which the reader is invited   During a Forbes Business Breakfast stream,
                         to join our team of international editors, who  he revealed that unprofitable activity was mostly
                         provide a snapshot of some of the key issues  due to significant receivables that arose after the
                         affecting their regional beats. We hope you will  state used Naftogaz’s working capital to meet the
                         like NRG's new concise format, but by clicking  energy supply needs of consumers.
                         on the headline link for each section the full text
                         will be available as before.         GLNG: Germany Eyes Fourth-Highest Glob-
                                                              al LNG Import Capacity By 2030
                         AfrOil: Saipem CEO Sees Mozambique LNG  Germany is planning to top 70mn tonnes
                         Resuming Work In July 2023           per year (tpy) of liquefied natural gas (LNG)
                         Alessandro Puliti, the CEO of the Italian   import capacity by the end of the decade,
                         oilfield services provider (OSP) Saipem, says  Argus Media reports citing documents from
                         work on the Mozambique LNG project, led   the German economic ministry (BMWK)
                         by France’s TotalEnergies, will resume this   and planning applications from German
                         summer. “We expect to gradually restart   multinational energy utility RWE.
                         the project, according to the information
                         received by our clients, starting from July   LatAmOil: Pemex Fails To Uphold Pledge To
                         this year,” Puliti informed analysts during   Halt Gas Flaring At Ixachi Field
                         Saipem’s 2022 earnings call on February 28.  Mexico’s national oil company (NOC) Pemex
                                                              has failed to uphold the commitment it made
                         AsianOil: New Indian LNG Terminal To Start  late last year to stop flaring at Ixachi, one of
                         Operations Before Summer             the country’s major natural gas fields, by mid-
                         A long overdue LNG import terminal in India   January of 2023, according to an exclusive
                         is now expected to begin operating by the   report from Reuters.
                         summer.                                The state-owned company had pledged
                           Tentative start dates for the plant coming   to halt flaring at Ixachi, which is located in
                         properly online are currently mentioning   Veracruz state, after coming under growing
                         mid-June, although as with much in Indian   environmental pressure.
                         LNG and power infrastructure in general,
                         seeing is believing.                 MEOG: Abraj Signs PNZ Deal
                                                              Oman’s state-owned Abraj Energy Services this
                         DMEA: Luberef Signs Yanbu Expansion Deal  week signed a five-year deal to provide drilling
                         Saudi Aramco Base Oil Co. (Luberef) has   and extraction services in the Partitioned Neutral
                         announced the signing of an engineering   Zone (PNZ) shared between Kuwait and Saudi
                         procurement and construction (EPC) contract  Arabia.
                         with Egypt’s Petrojet for the expansion of its   The deal, which covers the onshore Wafra
                         Yanbu facility.                      oilfield, was signed between Abraj, Kuwait Gulf Oil
                           The EPC is part of Luberef’s Growth II   Co. (KGOC) and Saudi Arabian Chevron (SAC),
                         project which aims to expand the Yanbu   which respectively represent Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC)
                         facility’s base oil production capacity to   and Saudi Aramco in the Wafra Joint Operations
                         around 1.3mn tonnes per year (tpy) by 2025,   (WJO) area.
                         allowing it to produce more Group II and
                         Group III base oils to meet growing market   NorthAmOil: Low US Gas Prices Upend Ac-
                         demand.                              quisitions, Drillers Scale Back Rigs
                                                              The US may have seen a sudden uptick in gas
                         FSUOGM: Ukraine’s Naftogaz Makes $1bn  prices since the third week of February, when
                         Loss In 2022                         Henry Hub gas prices had plummeted around   See the archive and
                         According to the chairman of Naftogaz, Oleksiy   78% since August of 2022.  sign up to receive
                         Chernyshov, the company has recorded a   But despite the sharp uptick, the six-month   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                         preliminary net loss of around UAH40bn   decrease in price has been stymying deal-  for free by email each
                         ($1.1bn) for the year 2022, Interfax Ukraine   makers.                   week here

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