Page 16 - EurOil Week 10 2023
P. 16

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

      Serbia’s NIS acquires 121            Kazakhstan to transport another      companies as of end-2022, Turkish state-
                                                                                run news service Anadolu Agency has
      new wagons to transport oil          20,000 tonnes of crude to            reported.
                                                                                  The fund purchased shares in 38
      derivatives                          Germany in March via Russia’s        companies of varying sizes operating in
                                                                                different fields.
      Serbian oil company NIS announced on   Druzhba pipeline                     Enerji Uretim, Enerjisa, steelmaker
      March 2 that it acquired 121 new tank cars                                Erdemir, Galata Wind Enerji and Türkiye
      last year to transport oil derivatives from   Kazakhstan’s national oil transport operator,   Petrol Rafinerileri (Tupras) were among
      the Pancevo oil refinery to the company’s   KazTransOil, has announced plans to   the companies the wealth fund invested in,
      warehouses throughout Serbia.        transport another 20,000 tonnes of crude oil   according to Anadolu.
         The new tank wagons meet the highest   to Germany through the Russian Druzhba   The value of the shares held by the
      technological and safety standards for the   pipeline in March.           fund in the five energy companies was
      transportation of derivatives, ensuring the   This follows the successful transportation  approximately $161mn.
      maximum utilisation of filling in relation   of an initial 20,000 tonnes of oil to Germany   Oil refiner Tupras attracted the
      to the existing limitations of the railway   via the pipeline in February. KazTransOil   largest share of Norwegian Wealth Fund
      infrastructure.                      said it believed that it could technically   investments made in Turkish stocks.
         The purchase of new tank wagons will   transport up to 300,000 tonnes of Kazakh   The fund, which owns 1.55% of Tupraş,
      also ensure the preservation of the quality   oil to Germany in the first quarter, subject   has invested $121mn in the company.
      of derivatives during their transportation.  to requests from oil companies.   The fund also purchased $90mn in shares
         “The new tank wagons will be able to   The statement released by the company   of glassmaker Sisecam, $79.5mn in discount
      load up to 15 tonnes more derivatives   said that it planned to transport the crude   retailer BIM, $78.8mn in Koc Holding—
      compared to the existing fleet. In this way,   through the Transneft pipeline system in   Turkey’s largest industrial conglomerate—
      the utilisation of one means of transport has   the direction of the Adamowo-Zastawa   $71.5mn in Turkish Airlines and $64mn in
      increased up to 23%,” NIS’s official Nenad   delivery point in Poland for onward transit   farm machinery maker Turk Traktor.
      Milovanovic said.                    to Germany.                            The fund owns 3.38% of Turk Traktor
         Moreover, the new tank wagons can                                      and 2.98% of health firm MLP.
      operate across Europe, as they are built in                                 Norwegian Wealth Fund has been
      line with the relevant regulations in the   Norway’s wealth fund invests   investing in Turkish companies since
      field of rail transport and the transport of                              2001. ™
      dangerous goods.                     $1.2bn in Turkish stocks
                                           Norway’s sovereign wealth fund had
                                           invested $1.2bn in the stocks of Turkish

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   08•March•2023
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