Page 11 - EurOil Week 10 2023
P. 11

EurOil                                        INVESTMENT                                              EurOil

       Equinor snaps up Suncor’s UK business

        NORWAY           NORWAY’S Equinor has agreed to purchase  Sea Transition Deal.
                         the UK arm of Suncor Energy for $850mn,   CNOOC was reported to be considering the
       The deal is worth   which will land it a 29.9% stake in one of the  sale of its 43.2% stake in Buzzard last year as
       $850mn.           UK North Sea’s largest oilfields, Buzzard.  part of a wider exit from the UK North Sea.
                           Buzzard, operated by China’s CNOOC,  But the company is understood to have put the
                         produces around 80,000 barrels per day (bpd).  divestment on hold in light of falling oil prices,
                         The field, some 96 km north-east of Aberdeen,  as initial offers for the business did not live up
                         recently had new wells drilled to arrest declin-  to its expectations. The sale might be resumed
                         ing output.                          if market conditions improve, however.
                           The transaction also covers a 40% interest in   Liquids from Buzzard are transported via
                         the Rosebank development. Equinor said that  the Forties Pipeline system to Hound Point
                         $250mn of the deal’s price tag depended on  Terminal, where crude is lifted and sold on the
                         whether a final investment decision (FID) was  open market, while gas volumes are exported
                         taken on Rosebank, subject to UK government  through the FUKA system.
                         and partner approvals later this year.  Equinor claims that the acquisition would
                           Rosebank oil and gas field is situated 130  add about 15,000 barrels of oil equivalent
                         km west of the Shetland Islands, with an  per day (boepd) in equity share in 2023. The
                         estimated 300mn barrels in recoverable oil.  transaction is scheduled to close in mid-2023,
                         Equinor plans to optimise development to  subject to regulatory approvals. After its com-
                         reduce carbon emissions and electrify the  pletion, Equinor’s share in Rosebank would
                         floating production storage and offloading  increase to 80%, with Ithaca Energy owning
                         (FPSO) that will be used, in line with the North  the remaining 20%. ™

       TotalEnergies expands UAE upstream


        FRANCE           TOTALENERGIES has agreed to purchase the  subject to fulfilling customary conditions prec-
                         upstream assets of Spanish firm CEPSA in the  edent, such as documentation formalisation
       The French major has   UAE, while adding a stake in a Japanese-led  and final approvals.
       bought the upstream   joint venture (JV) that operates other offshore   The company’s chairman and CEO Patrick
       business of CEPSA in   assets.                         Pouyanné said that the deals would “further
       the UAE.            The assets to be acquired include a 20%  bolster” the company’s presence in Abu Dhabi.
                         participating interest in the Satah Al Razboot  “The acquisition of a 20% working interest in
                         (SARB), Umm al-Lulu, Bin Nasher and Al  the SARB and Umm al-Lulu concession aligns
                         Bateel (SARB and Umm al-Lulu) offshore con-  perfectly with our strategy of focusing on low-
                         cession, and a 12.88% indirect interest in the  cost, low-emission assets,” he added.
                         Mubarraz concession.                   In September 2020, OMV announced the
                           The latter was acquired through the pur-  start of production from the full-field devel-
                         chase of a 20% stake in Cosmo Abu Dhabi  opments of Umm al-Lulu and SARB – which
                         Energy Exploration & Production Co. Ltd  were combined in the second of the three new
                         (CEPAD), a company that owns a 64.4% stake  offshore concessions. Combined output com-
                         that was held by Abu Dhabi Oil Company Ltd  menced at 50,000 bpd and a month or so after
                         (ADOC), the operator of Mubarraz.    production began, ADNOC was reported to
                           The SARB and Umm al-Lulu concession  have sold its first two 50,000-barrel cargoes of
                         encompasses two significant offshore fields.  the Umm al-Lulu crude grade – comprising
                         Alongside OMV (20%), ADNOC holds a 60%  production from the two fields to India’s Reli-
                         interest in the concession, which is operated by  ance Industries and South Korea’s GS Caltex.
                         ADNOC Offshore.                        According to sources spoken to by Middle
                           The Mubarraz concession comprises four  East Oil & Gas (MEOG), output from Umm
                         producing offshore fields; Hail, Neewat Al  al-Lulu and SARB sat at around 200,000-
                         Galan, Uhm Al Anbar and Mubarraz.    220,000 bpd last year, with Mubarraz having
                           TotalEnergies said the transactions are  run at around 40,000-50,000 bpd. ™

       Week 10   08•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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