Page 9 - EurOil Week 10 2023
P. 9

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Russia reportedly intends to mothball

       damaged Nord Stream pipelines

        EUROPE           RUSSIA plans to seal up and mothball the  Dea – partners in the Nord Stream 1 operating
                         damaged Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, with  consortium – declined to comment. Germany’s
       Moscow sees no    no immediate plan to repair them, sources told  E.ON, another partner, said “to our knowledge
       prospect for the   Reuters on March 3.                 as a minority shareholder, no decision has been
       pipelines returning to   Gazprom has previously said it would be  made, either for or against restoring the line.”
       service anytime soon.  possible to repair the ruptured lines, but the   Three of the four Nord Stream 1 and 2 strings
                         pipelines are unlikely to be needed, as the Rus-  burst in late September, and Moscow has accused
                         sian government sees little prospect of ties with  Washington of sabotaging the lines – a claim that
                         the West improving in the foreseeable future,  the White House has vehemently denied.
                         according to Reuters. Germany used to rely on   Russian President Vladimir Putin has said
                         the pipelines for the majority of its gas, but it no  that the remaining undamaged Nord Stream
                         longer imports any gas directly from Russia, as a  2 pipeline could be used to supply gas, but the
                         result of their destruction and a halt in flow via  idea was rejected by Germany, which is pushing
                         the Yamal-Europe pipeline that runs through  to end its reliance on Russian gas by importing
                         Poland.                              LNG. The pipeline would also require certifica-
                           The conservation plan would involve sealing  tion – a lengthy process that Berlin put on hold
                         the ruptured ends and coating the pipes to avoid  in late February in response to Russian actions
                         further corrosion from seawater, according to  in Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
                         Reuters. The Russian government and Gaz-  Lavrov said on March 3 that Moscow would no
                         prom did not respond to requests for comment  longer depend on the West as an energy part-
                         on the plans, while France’s Engie, The Neth-  ner, as it pushes to forge stronger ties with Asian
                         erlands' Gasunie and Germany’s Wintershall  markets.™

       Trump accuses Biden administration

       of blowing up Nord Stream pipes

        US               FORMER US President Donald Trump has  interest to destroy the pipelines.
                         said the Biden administration or Ukraine could   “This is a main source of massive income for
       Trump is the frontrunner   have been responsible for blowing up the Nord  them. They didn’t blow it up to make a point.
       for the Republican   Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in late September, while  That’s the one thing I can tell you for sure,” he
       nomination for the US   dismissing that Russia could be to blame.  said, adding that it could have been a joint
       2024 presidential race.  The comments come after the release of a  US-Ukraine act of sabotage.
                         controversial investigation by veteran US jour-  Russia has repeatedly accused the US of
                         nalist Seymour Hersh last month that the US  blowing up the pipelines, and has demanded a
                         Navy had placed explosives on the pipelines last  UN inquiry into the matter. While Washington
                         summer. Washington has dismissed the charge  denies this, there is also no conclusive evidence
                         as “false and complete fiction.” The Hersh report  that Russia was behind the attacks.
                         draws from an anonymous source with knowl-  Whoever was responsible could be key to
                         edge of the matter.                  deciding on multi-billion dollar arbitration
                           “Well, it could have been us, and it could  claims logged by European gas buyers against
                         have been Ukraine, and it could have been some  Russia’s Gazprom for losing their gas supply last
                         third-party country that wants to see trouble,”  year, according to Wood Mackenzie.
                         Trump told right-wing political commentator   Investigations underway in Denmark, Ger-
                         Glenn Beck in a talk show on February 27.  many and Sweden have not yet concluded,
                           Trump, who is currently polling in the lead  although they have so far established that the
                         for the Republican nomination for the 2024 US  damage to the pipelines was indeed caused by
                         presidency, said it was not in Russia’s strategic  sabotage. ™

       Week 10   08•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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