Page 9 - AsianOil Week 45 2022
P. 9

AsianOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

       India's PM Modi inaugurates         exploring large-scale geothermal power   from 2021 at 2.99 million tonnes, while
                                           generation will be possible from April.
                                                                                diesel rose 5.5% at 6.98 million tonnes, the
       onshore facilities for U-Field in   Despite the name change, the company   PPAC showed.
                                                                                  Cooking gas or liquefied petroleum gas
                                           will continue to be known by the
       Krishna Godavari Basin block        "JOGMEC" abbreviation in English, given   (LPG) sales decreased 3.3% to 2.40 million
                                                                                tonnes, while naphtha sales fell 24% to 0.96
                                           its recognition in resource-producing
       India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi   countries since its establishment in 2004,   million tonnes.
       has inaugurated ONGC's U-field Onshore   the company said.                 Sales of bitumen, used for making roads,
       facilities of the KG-DWN-98/2 deepwater   JOGMEC, which had 770 employees as   were 11.4% lower, while fuel oil use edged
       block, situated in Odalarevu, Andhra   of July, plans to boost staffing to meet its   up 1% in October.
       Pradesh, India.                     expanded role, an official at the organization
         The event, in which the Prime Minister   said, without giving a specific figure.
       dedicated the onshore facilities to the   Resource-poor Japan has also been   Japan's Inpex lifts profit
       nation, took place on November 12.  stepping up measures to reinforce energy
         The U-Field is part of ONGC’s flagship   security with the growing risk of supply   forecast on higher energy prices
       deepwater KG-DWN-98/2 Cluster-II    disruption to key energy and commodities
       development project in the prolific Krishna   as Russia continues its war in Ukraine and   Japan's biggest oil and gas explorer, Inpex
       Godavari Basin.                     Western sanctions on Moscow escalate.   Corp (1605.T), lifted its full-year profit
         It is the deepest gas discovery of the   JOGMEC will be allowed to buy liquefied  forecast by 14% to a record 400 billion
       project, with a gas production potential of   natural gas (LNG) on behalf of utilities   yen ($2.7 billion) thanks to higher-than-
       about 3 million standard cubic meters of gas  when normal procurement by private   expected oil and gas prices and the yen's
       per day.                            companies becomes difficult, under a plan   plunge against the U.S. dollar.
         The gas from the field's wells is evacuated   approved by the Cabinet last month.   The company raised the forecast for
       through the subsea facilities connected to                               2022 from its August estimate of 350 billion
       an onshore terminal at Odalarevu, situated                               yen after reporting a 94% jump in its profit
       in Dr. B R Ambedkar Konaseema district of   India's October fuel demand   for the January-September period at 267.4
       Andhra Pradesh.                                                          billion yen.
                                           rises on festive season boost        weakness were positive factors, but stable
                                                                                  "Stronger oil and gas prices and the yen's
       Japan's JOGMEC renamed in           India's fuel consumption, a proxy for oil   operation at the Ichthys LNG project (in
                                                                                Australia) also contributed to our solid
                                           demand, rose to its highest in four months
       shift to national decarbonisation   in the festival month of October, data from   performance," Daisuke Yamada, Inpex's
                                           the Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell
                                                                                managing executive officer, told a news
       Role                                (PPAC) of the oil ministry showed on   conference.
                                                                                  The one-off gain of 33.3 billion yen from
       State-owned Japan Oil, Gas and Metals   Consumption in October was 6.7%   selling its stake in the Lucius and Hadrian
       National Corp (JOGMEC) said on Monday   higher than the previous month, while   North Fields oil project in the U.S. Gulf
       it has been renamed Japan Organization for   also up 3.4% year-on-year at 18.37 million   of Mexico boosted its earnings, offsetting
       Metals and Energy Security and will provide  tonnes, the data showed. read more  an impairment loss of 18.3 billion yen it
       equity investment to back the production   The data indicates that "the negative   booked in the July-September quarter on its
       and storage of hydrogen and ammonia.   impact of the monsoon season is now   stake in the U.S. Eagle Ford shale oil project.
         The change for the organization in   coming to an end," Refinitiv analyst Ehsan   The impairment loss was due to lower-
       charge of providing financial support for the  Ul Haq said.              than-expected output and reserves and the
       exploration and development of energy and   "I expect fuel demand to grow   Japanese company may withdraw from the
       metals reflects the revision of the JOGMEC   significantly, as car sales have picked up.   project, Yamada said.
       Act to help the country achieve its 2050 goal  With several refineries coming back from   "We may consider selling the project,"
       of carbon neutrality.               maintenance, crude runs will also increase,"   Yamada said, adding that Inpex had already
         To secure a stable supply of hydrogen   Ul Haq added. "On the whole, a positive   posted a similar loss of about $300 million
       and ammonia, seen as key to the     outlook and the best is yet to come."  on the stake in 2020 after buying the 100%
       decarbonized fuels of the future, JOGMEC   India celebrated the major festivals of   stake in the project in 2019.
       will either invest in or provide a debt   Dussehra and Diwali last month, buying   The sale of the Lucius stake and the
       guarantee to businesses producing and   everything from cars, houses and television   possible exit from the Eagle Ford are part
       storing hydrogen and ammonia both   sets to travel and jewellery, according to   of Inpex's portfolio reshuffle, shifting
       domestically and broad, it said in a   early data, giving a fillip to growth prospects  away from North America to focus on its
       statement.                          despite economic gloom elsewhere in the   core geographic areas such as Australia,
         Other new functions include geological   world.                        Indonesia, the Middle East, Norway and
       surveys for offshore wind power generation,   Indian state fuel retailers' diesel sales   Japan, he said.
       equity investment in carbon dioxide capture   also surged in October from the previous
       and storage (CCS) projects and domestic   month, preliminary sales data showed last
       processing and smelting projects of rare   week, indicating a pickup in industrial
       metals.                             activity. read more
         Equity investment in overseas projects   Sales of gasoline, or petrol, were up 8.8%

       Week 45   14•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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