Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 31
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       TGS to return to Argentina

       to complete Malvinas 3D
       Multi-Client survey

       TGS has announced a return to Argentina to
       complete the previously announced 17,800
       square km Malvinas 3D Multi-Client survey.
       Acquisition is set to resume in Q4-2020 on the
       highly- funded survey and will continue to grow
       the 3D library in a prospective basin that saw tre-
       mendous industry investment following the first
       offshore round in 2019.
         Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS, commented:
       “We are pleased to be given the opportunity to
       complete the Malvinas Basin 3D survey and add
       to our growing Argentina and South Atlantic
       library. The first offshore Argentina bid round
       showed great promise, and we look forward to
       continuing to play a dynamic role in this region.”  with its ship managers, OOS International, and  higher volatility. From the second semester on,
         This project is supported by industry fund-  contractors to overhaul two of the thrusters on  the company begins its pre-payment of rota-
       ing. TGS operates as NOPEC Geophysical in  OOS Tiradentes to ensure its upcoming opera-  tive credit lines in order for the balance to come
       Argentina.                          tional efficiencies.                 closer to pre-crisis levels. In the last 27th, for
       TGS, August 05 2020                 CMC Raffles, August 04 2020          instance, it made a pre-payment of $3.5bn, from
                                                                                a total of $8bn committed credit lines.
       CIMC Raffles says                   PERFORMANCE                          were shown to be effective in facing this crisis
                                                                                  “Our capacity for reaction and our strategy
       OOS Tiradentes resumes              Petrobras ends Q2-2020               and the consequent global recession. We will
                                                                                keep on working and taking the necessary deci-
       operation at Campos                 with positive EBITDA and             sions in order for Petrobras to become an even
                                                                                more resilient and profitable company,” com-
       offshore oilfield                                                        mented Andrea Almeida, financial executive
                                                                                and investor-relations manager, in a video pub-
       OOS Tiradentes, the Semi-Submersible Accom-  free cash flow              lished for investors.
       modation Vessel managed by CIMC Raffles  Even in a challenging scenario such as the sec-  Some initiatives granting more transparency
       Asset Operation and Management Centre,  ond quarter of 2020, Petrobras has managed to  to the company’s goals in Environmental, Social,
       received the notice to resume operation by Petro-  present solid results due to swift decisions taken  and Governance (ESG) factors were highlights
       bras to return to the Campos offshore oilfield in  shortly after the crisis’ beginning. The company  in this trimester. Among them are Petrobras’
       early August 2020 for its annual DP test and then  has ended the quarter with a recurring EBITDA  support to the Task Force for Climate-related
       after to provide offshore accommodation service  of $3.4bn and free cash flow of $3.0bn. The  Financial Disclosures (TCFD), an initiative from
       for Petrobras P-40 campaign at early September  numbers show that even with a 42% reduction  the G20 Financial Stability Board, and the Cli-
       2020, making it the first accommodation vessel  in the oil barrel price (Brent) and the period’s  mate Dossier update.
       in the region to resume operation.  lower internal demand, the company proceeded   Petrobras, July 30 2020
         OOS Tiradentes, named after the Brazil-  steadily in its operation, with sufficient balance
       ian Hero for its national independence, has  to ensure its liquidity.
       been operating in Brazil for Petrobras for the   The company’s liquid result also reflects the  INVESTMENT
       past two years since its initial approval survey.  crisis effects, of the indemnities from the Vol-
       OOS Tiradentes had received numerous pos-  untary Offboarding Programme (Programas de   United Oil & Gas acquires
       itive feedbacks on its high standards of quality  Desligamento Voluntário, or PDV) and Incen-
       and optimum performances over the past two  tivised Retirement Programme (Programa de   Tullow’s interest in the
       years. In 2020, Petrobras decided to suspend the  Aposentadoria Incentivada, or PAI) and the
       operation of the floating production storage and  financial results, with recurring liquid loss of   Walton Morant licence
       offloading vessels and their supporting accom-  $25bn.
       modation platforms including OOS Tiradentes   In this challenging scenario, Petrobras man-  offshore Jamaica
       in local waters under the effect of the COVID-19  aged to end the quarter with a gross debt of
       pandemic. For assurance on continual custom-  $91.2bn, an increase of only $2.0bn in relation  AIM-listed United Oil & Gas has received
       er’s satisfaction from Petrobras, CIMC Raffles  to the previous quarter. This movement was  approval from the Jamaican Government to take
       Asset Operation and Management Centre has  important in order to strengthen the reserves  forward the Walton Morant Licence, Jamaica, on
       made full use of this period and actively works  and ensure liquidity for facing this moment of  a 100% operated basis.

       Week 31   06•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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