Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 31
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       MOVES                               Infrastructure Council of EMPEA. EMPEA is  plaintiffs’ appeal from the decision by the Court
                                           the global industry association for private capital  of Appeals in Buenos Aires of July 3, 2018, which
       GeoPark announces                   in emerging markets.                 affirmed the trial court’s opinion and dismissed
                                              Varma knows GeoPark and its team well  the Ecuadorian plaintiffs’ action for lack of juris-
       appointment of Somit                since his time at the IFC. The IFC was one of  diction. Argentina’s courts have now uniformly
                                           the Company’s early investors in 2005 and was  and definitively rejected the plaintiffs’ attempt to
       Varma to board of directors         a supportive and key shareholder and lender for  recognise and enforce the Ecuadorian judgment
                                           many years.
                                                                                in that nation.
       GeoPark, a leading independent Latin American   Varma is from New Delhi, India and earned   With the decision of the Supreme Court of
       oil and gas explorer, operator and consolidator  his MBA at Boston University before attending  Argentina, the last pending proceeding seeking
       with operations and growth platforms in Colom-  the Executive Development Programme at Har-  the recognition of the corrupt Ecuadorian judg-
       bia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador,  vard Business School.  ment has come to an end. Decisions by courts
       announced the appointment of Somit Varma as a   Varma said: “I very much look forward to  and tribunals in the United States, Brazil, Can-
       new independent member of the Board of Direc-  joining and working with GeoPark again – a  ada, Gibraltar, The Hague, and now Argentina,
       tors of the Company, filling an existing vacancy,  company positioned as the leading oil and gas  confirm that the fraudulent Ecuadorian judg-
       effective August 1, 2020.           independent in Latin America. Over its nearly  ment should be unenforceable in any court
         For more than 30 years, Varma has been a  20-year history, GeoPark has differentiated itself  that respects the rule of law. Even the Republic
       proven and respected investor in oil, gas, min-  through its team, track-record, assets, culture,  of Ecuador, a longstanding supporter of the lit-
       ing and infrastructure projects across the globe.  and its commitment to communities, the envi-  igation against Chevron, finally admitted in a
       His impressive track-record includes building  ronment, and sustainable development. I look  public filing earlier this month that the $9.5bn
       management teams, growing businesses to scale  forward to contributing during this pivotal time  judgment issued by its courts against Chevron
       and making significant contributions towards  in our industry, to help GeoPark capture the  is “fraudulent.”
       improving environmental, social and corpo-  enormous opportunities the future of energy   Chevron has defeated all actions to date
       rate governance standards. In addition, he has  has to offer.”           seeking the recognition and enforcement of
       worked with governments and communities   Gerald E. O’Shaughnessy, Chairman of  that judgment. In July 2019, after the Canadian
       in Latin America, Asia and Africa to achieve  GeoPark, said: “The Board of Directors is  Supreme Court declined to review a lower court
       a better outcome from the use of their natural  pleased to welcome Somit to our Company.  opinion dismissing the action against Chevron’s
       resources.                          With his deep knowledge of oil and gas invest-  indirect subsidiary in Canada, the plaintiffs
         Until 2010, Mr. Varma was the Global Head  ment, appreciation of and success with environ-  dismissed their Canadian recognition proceed-
       of Oil, Gas, Mining and Chemicals for the Inter-  mental, social and governance issues across the  ing. In November 2017, Brazil’s highest court
       national Finance Corporation (IFC), the private  world, and special insight into GeoPark from  dismissed a recognition action brought in that
       sector arm of the World Bank. At the IFC, he  his long experience with us, we expect Somit  country. Prosecutors in both Brazil and Argen-
       managed a diverse multi-bn dollar portfolio of  to begin adding value immediately. His proven  tina had previously opined that the Ecuadorian
       projects in emerging markets and delivered an  skill sets, including his knowledge of interna-  judgment was unenforceable because it was the
       impressive return on investment during his ten-  tional markets and varied board experiences,  product of fraud and corruption.
       ure. He was also the Chairman of IFC’s Oil, Gas,  will strengthen and enhance our Board and   The key remaining proceeding in connection
       Mining and Chemicals Investment Committee.  Company.”                    with the corrupt Ecuadorian judgment is Chev-
         While at the IFC, Varma also chaired the   GeoPark, August 03 2020     ron’s arbitration against the Republic of Ecuador
       Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) Part-                                before an international tribunal in The Hague.
       nership, a public-private initiative comprising                          The tribunal ruled for Chevron on liability in
       governments, oil companies and international  LEGAL                      2018 and the arbitration is now in the damages
       institutions intent on reducing gas flaring glob-                        phase, where Chevron is seeking to recover
       ally. He also served as a Non-Executive Director   Argentina’s Supreme   from the Republic of Ecuador costs Chevron has
       of Escondida, the world’s largest copper mine,                           incurred to expose and defend against the fraud
       located in Chile. Prior to heading the natural   Court rejects fraudulent   perpetrated against it.
       resources business, Varma was the Chief Invest-                          Chevron, July 30 2020
       ment Officer in the Power department at the IFC   Ecuadorian judgment
       and has extensive experience in the power gener-
       ation and distribution businesses.  against Chevron
         From 2011 until July 2020, Varma was a Man-
       aging Director in the Energy Group at Warburg  Argentina’s highest court unanimously rejected
       Pincus, one of the world’s premier private equity  the plaintiffs’ final bid to enforce a fraudulent
       firms, with over $10bn committed across a wide  $9.5bn Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron
       range of energy companies globally. During his  Corporation. This is the latest in a string of legal
       tenure at Warburg Pincus, Varma served on the  victories in Chevron’s global defense against the
       boards of several international energy compa-  Ecuadorian judgment—found by US courts to
       nies where he worked with management teams  be the product of fraud, bribery, and corruption
       on a diverse set of issues including new acqui-  and held unenforceable as a matter of interna-
       sitions, strategic partnerships, capital allocation,  tional law by an international arbitral tribunal in
       risk management, succession planning, and  The Hague.
       growing and mentoring teams.           On July 30, in a unanimous 5-0 decision,
         Varma is also Chairman of the Energy and  the Supreme Court of Argentina dismissed the

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