Page 12 - FSUOGM Week 34 2022
P. 12

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Poland’s Azoty Group                more versus August 2021.             and ethnic-Turk Movement for Rights
                                                                                  Although former ruling party Gerb
                                              The price rally owes to Russia’s cutting
       suspends fertilizer                 supplies to Europe, which is desperate   and Freedoms (DPS) claim they are pro-
                                                                                Western, the two parties avoid taking
                                           to fill storage ahead of winter to ease a
       production as high gas              looming gas crisis brought about by Russia’s   openly anti-Russian positions and also
                                           waging war against Ukraine and the West’s
                                                                                indicate they would renew the country’s
       prices sting                        sanctions on the Kremlin.            energy dependence on Russia.
                                              While in indirect conflict over Moscow’s
       One of Europe's biggest fertiliser producers,   war in Ukraine, Europe remains much   Pro-Western Democratic Bulgaria said
       Warsaw-listed Polish chemicals group   dependent on Russian gas supplies, cutting   in a statement on August 23 that it strongly
       Azoty and its – also listed – unit Pulawy   or reducing which is now expected to   opposes the government's decision, calling
       suspended and reduced production of some   bring a major economic slowdown, if not   it treason.
       products, including nitrogen fertilisers and   recession, in the EU.       “The caretaker government is selling
       ammonia due to skyrocketing prices of gas,   EU leaders keep accusing Russia of   Bulgaria, relentlessly attempting to return
       a key component in the production process,   manipulating supplies to stoke an economic   the country back to dependency on the
       the companies said on August 23.    and energy crisis in the cold season to   Kremlin. With the conscious 'missing'
         “Due to record prices for natural gas,   weaken Europe’s support for fighting   of opportunities to secure gas deliveries
       the main production feedstock used by   Ukraine.                         from other sources, including already
       Grupa Azoty … the company decided that   Grupa Azoty’s stock fell 5% to PLN34.2   contracted ones, Donev’s cabinet is using
       as of August 23, it will temporarily shut   (€7.17) on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on   the most effective weapon – the fear and
       down its nitrogen fertilizer, caprolactam   August 23. Pulawy’s share price dropped   manipulation – to persuade the community
       and polyamide 6 production units,” the   2.18% to PLN71.8.               of the inevitability of the return to
       company said in a market filing.                                         Gazprom,” Democratic Bulgaria said in a
         Pulawy said that it would cut its                                      statement.
       ammonia output to “about 10%” of    Bulgarian politicians                  It also accused Donev's government of
       production capacity.                                                     lying and having “the obvious plan to return
         “Although there are no problems with   deeply divided over start of    to Russian gas dependency”.
       the availability of gas, the current situation                             “Donev’s cabinet has proven itself as the
       in the gas market, which determines the   negotiations with Gazprom      main weapon of the Kremlin in the hybrid
       profitability of production activities, is                               war in Bulgaria and a vanguard in [Russian
       extraordinary and completely beyond the   Bulgarian politicians are deeply divided   President Vladimir] Putin's war with the
       control of [the group], and could not have   after Prime Minister Gulub Donev's   democratic world,” the statement reads.
       been predicted,” the two companies said in   caretaker government said that it has   It also added that the prices of Russian
       similarly-worded statements.        no other option but to start talks with   gas are not the lowest as claimed by the
         "There is no doubt that such large   Russia’s Gazprom on the resumption of gas   caretaker government, and that negotiations
       reduction of output must affect Azoty's   deliveries.                    on renewed supplies would mean that
       results in a very significant way. It is   A day earlier, the government announced  Bulgaria will lose its chances to seek
       unknown yet how long [the stoppage] will   it will start negotiations with Gazprom,   payment of penalties by Gazprom after the
       take, whether it is a question of one week,   after refusing to accept six tankers of US   halt of deliveries in April.
       month or quarter," Lukasz Prokopiuk, an   liquified natural gas (LNG) contracted by   Change Continues did not issue an
       analyst with DM BOS brokerage told the   the previous government of Kiril Petkov.   official position but its members have also
       state newswire PAP.                 The interim government also intends to   commented that the caretaker government's
         Such low production coupled with high   negotiate with Azerbaijan for increased   decision is against Bulgaria’s interests.
       fixed costs will generate negative EBITDA   supplies, as agreed by Petkov in the last days   Experts noted that Gazprom’s price
       on a daily basis. In July, output was higher,   of his government.       would be higher compared to that of the
       but if the stoppage continues until mid- or   The position of political parties towards   Azeri or the US gas, as well as that the
       end-September an EBITDA loss in Q3 will   renewed talks with Gazprom is seen as a   chances of these negotiations to succeed are
       be possible.                        dividing line between parties ahead of the   slim anyway.
         Meanwhile, another Polish fertiliser   October 2 snap general election.  On the other hand, the BSP welcomed
       maker, Anwil - which is owned by energy   On one side are positioned reformist   the government’s decision, saying it
       giant PKN Orlen - also said on August   Change Continues, led by Petkov and   has been insisting on the renewal of
       23 that it would suspend production of   former finance minister Assen Vassilev, and   negotiations since April.
       nitrogen fertilisers due to high prices of gas.  the Democratic Bulgaria. They have been   “In April we forecast the coming crisis
         The news will affect Polish farmers, who   insisting that Bulgaria should not return   with the gas supplies and its consequences.
       are one of the key voter constituencies for   to Russia's orbit and should not discuss   Then we stated a clear position that we
       the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party.  new deliveries with Gazprom. The Russian   support today as well: the negotiations with
         “Farmers may be uneasy about [the   company stopped supplies to Bulgaria at   Gazprom must be restored,” the BSP said in
       cut in production] but there are well over   the end of April, although its contract with   a statement.
       100,000 tonnes of fertilisers in Grupa   the country does not expire until the end of   It added that this would guarantee
       Azoty’s warehouses … There will be   2022.                               stability, security and predictability for the
       enough for the autumn season,” Agriculture   On the other side stand the political   economy and households. The BSP said it
       Minister Henryk Kowalczyk told PAP.   parties that openly or unofficially support   supports the diversification of gas supplies
         Dutch TTF Gas Futures hovered around   a new contract with Gazprom and stronger   but currently it cannot secure the needed
       €260 per megawatt-hour (MWh) for    Russian influence. They include the   3bn cubic metres of gas the country needs
       September deliveries on August 23, up from   Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), pro-Russian   annually..
       below €90 in late May and nearly ten times   Bulgarian Ascend and Vazrazhdane.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   24•August•2022
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