Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 34 2022
P. 13

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Trillion to move jack-up rig        sanctions, Serbia should find alternatives to   maintenance works and inspections.
                                              He pointed out that due to the Western

       to Turkish Black Sea field          Russian oil. However he said that Iraqi oil is
                                           $31 more expensive per barrel.
       Trillion Energy International, an oil and gas                            Russian gas ouput down by
       company, said on August 22 that the Uranus                               7% y/y in 1H22
       jack-up drilling rig was being prepared to   Gazprom gives Moldovagaz
       move to its SASB natural gas field in the                                Russian gas production shrank by 7% from
       Turkish section of the Black Sea where   payment extension               the 2021 level in the first half of the year,
       it will be used for a multi-well drilling                                according to RosStat, reports the Bank of
       programme, Offshore Engineer reported.   Russian gas giant Gazprom has given   Finland Institute for Emerging Economies
         The programme initially includes seven   Moldovan gas distribution company   (BOFIT).
       natural gas production wells.       Moldovagaz until September 1 to make   The gas company Gazprom announced
         There remains considerable scepticism   its advance payment for gas consumed in   that its own output decreased by 12% in
       among oil and gas analysts as to how   August, Reuters reported citing a statement   January-July compared to the previous year.
       voluminous Turkey’s Black Sea hydrocarbon   from Gazprom.                Gazprom's share in Russian gas production
       resources will prove to be, despite some big   Gazprom and Moldovagaz extended the   is about two-thirds, but the company has a
       claims from the Erdogan administration,   gas supply contract for a period of five years   monopoly over exports of pipeline gas.
       but Trillion Energy was cited as saying   in October 2021. Since then, Moldovagaz   The significant decrease in Gazprom's
       that the wells would come online "during a   has struggled to pay its bills to Gazprom,   gas production is due to the reduction in
       time when acute natural gas shortages are   several times coming close to having its   export volumes. According to Gazprom,
       menacing Europe and Turkey. Natural gas   supplies cut off.              exports to Europe (including Turkey)
       prices continue to spike, breaking historical   Moldovagaz had asked Russia’s Gazprom   decreased by 35% in January-July compared
       records; the prospect of a cold winter looms   for a delayed advance payment for August   to the previous year. Although exports to
       with the worst shortages expected yet to   after it paid for gas delivery for July on   China have grown rapidly, the quantities are
       come."                              August 22, the head of the Moldova's   still very small.
         Arthur Halleran, the company’s CEO,   company Vadim Ceban told Russia's RIA   Gas exports to EU countries have
       was reported as adding: "We are pleased   Novosti.                       decidedly collapsed during the summer. The
       to announce a clear path to drilling and   Earlier, Moldovagaz asked the Russian   Yamal-Europe pipeline that runs through
       gas production—we are counting the days   gas giant to postpone advance payments for   Poland is completely out of use, gas is
       before we embark on this historic milestone   August and September until the end of the   exported through Ukraine through only one
       achievement to bring substantial new gas   fourth quarter.               compression station (Sudza) and the Nord
       production into the region at a critical   "July was settled, we asked for a   Stream running at the bottom of the Baltic
       time.".                             postponement of advanced payment for   Sea is only transporting at a fraction of its
                                           August," Ceban was cited as saying.  capacity.
                                              Gazprom responded on August 22 that   In July, EU countries imported pipeline
       Vucic says Serbia will be           it had Moldovagaz’ request to delay the   gas from Russia about 75% less than a
                                                                                year earlier. If exports remain at this level,
       unable to buy Russian oil           company had not fulfilled its contractual   Gazprom's production will also collapse.
                                              However, it added that the Moldovan
                                                                                  According to BP's statistics, Russia's
       from Nov 1 due to sanctions         obligations for making advance payments   gas exports in 2021 totalled 241bn cubic
                                           for gas in August.
                                                                                metres, of which the majority, or 20 bcm,
       Serbia will no longer receive oil from Russia                            was traditional pipeline gas. Of that, 167
       as of November 1 due to the sanctions against                            bcm, or 83%, was exported to Turkey and
       Moscow, Russia’s RIA Novosti cited Serbian   CPC suspends oil loadings   Europe, 13% to the territory of the former
       President Aleksandar Vucic as saying on                                  Soviet Union and 4% to China. Almost 40
       August 21.                          from two mooring points              bcm of liquefied natural gas (LNG) was
         The oil is delivered to Serbia by tankers                              exported from Sakhalin and Yamal. 44% of
       through the Adriatic Sea, and then via the   The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)   LNG exports went to Europe, 22% to Japan
       oil pipeline through Croatia. EU members   has suspended oil loadings from two of the   and 6% to China.
       agreed at the end of May on the sixth sanction   three single mooring points (SPMs) at its   Russia's gas exports are practically
       package for Russia’s military invasion of   Black Sea terminal in Russia's Novorossijsk,   completely dependent on the European
       Ukraine that includes an agreement to   where most Kazakh oil is loaded for world   market. The only export pipeline to the east,
       immediately cut seaborne oil imports from   markets, due to inspections, two sources   named the Power of Siberia, is not yet in
       Russia, which account for two thirds of   familiar with the loadings told Reuters.  full use.
       Russian oil supplies to the EU. While Serbia   "CPC suspended loadings from SPM-  “When deliveries of Siberian power reach
       is not an EU member, it is also affected, as   2 since August 17 due to inspection and   the planned capacity of 38 bcm, China's
       Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) will no longer   SPM-1 has been offline since earlier this   share in Russian gas exports may rise to
       be able to import Russian crude oil through   month due to the same reason," one of the   close to 20% of exports. China's share can
       the Adriatic Oil Pipeline (Janaf).  sources told the news agency. Loadings were  only increase in the next few years if exports
         “What will we do with electricity, oil? From   reportedly continuing from CPC’s SPM-3.  to Europe shrink accordingly,” says BOFIT.
       November 1, there will be no Russian oil for   Nevertheless, CPC loadings have not   “According to preliminary plans, the new
       us, we will be under sanctions," Vucic was   been affected as the pipeline saw lower than   export pipeline, Power of Siberia 2, will be
       cited as saying in an address to citizens.  expected supply via CPC amid maintenance   completed in 2030 at the earliest. Even after
         In June, Vucic, who has refused to join   works on two major Kazakh oil fields,   the new pipeline is completed, exports to
       Western sanctions against Russia, said that   Tengiz and Kashagan, the sources noted.  China could be at most half of what Russia
       Serbia can expect to lose $600mn a year as a   CPC has repeatedly suspended loadings   exported to Europe before the war.”
       result of the EU sanctions on Russian oil.  from its SPMs throughout 2022 amid

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