Page 5 - GLNG Week 42 2022
P. 5

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                           China in the crosshairs            has become abruptly more confrontational with
                           The EU leaders also did an about face on a  China. On October 7 the US National Security
                         long-standing foreign policy stance to China.  advisor Jake Sullivan outlined harsh export
                         Previously China has been regarded as a “stra-  controls on high-end technology that one com-
                         tegic partner” and many countries in the EU,  mentator said will “destroy the Chinese sem-
                         especially those in Central Europe, have actively  iconductor business overnight.” US nationals
                         sought Chinese investment into their industries.  and companies working in China were told to
                           Von der Leyen struck a different tone in her  leave the country immediately or have their citi-
                         speech on October 21, highlighting Europe’s  zenship revoked and face arrest if they returned
                         dependencies on Chinese technologies and raw  to the US.
                         materials such as rare earth metals.   US National Security advisor Jake Sullivan
                           She said in light of the confrontation with  said in remarks rolling out the new rules on
                         Russia those dependencies were a risk and  September 16 that the US will protect its techno-
                         that the EU would have to engage in “painful”  logical lead and ensure that its rivals are cut off
                         reforms to “diversify” and find suppliers from  from its best technology in a marked escalation
                         “reliable” countries.                of tensions between Washington and Beijing.
                           Von der Leyen pointed out that Chinese   Many other EU leaders are on board with the
                         President Xi Jinping and Russian President  new confrontational stance as China and Russia
                         Vladimir Putin announced a “no limits” friend-  are increasingly seen as working together to defy
                         ship between their two countries on the very eve  the West in its opposition to the war in Ukraine.
                         of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. China has sup-  “I think with China it’s the same as with Rus-
                         ported Russia since then, but has kept its sup-  sia. It is in their interest that we are divided. It’s in
                         port passive, afraid of bringing down sanctions  our interest that we are united,” Estonian Prime
                         on itself as the US and EU combined remains its  Minister Kaja Kallas told Reuters.™
                         largest trade partner worth over $1 trillion a year.
                           The EU message echoes the US stance which

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