Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 48 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Operating netbacks quarter-over-quarter,  low risk exploration prospects, which have the  continues to clean up.
       increased to $56.75 per boe in the third quarter  potential to provide material production and   RCE-3, RCE-4, and RCE-5 Infill Drilling:
       of 2022 from $49.18 per boe in the second quar-  reserves increases in the near term. The seismic  Operations remain on track for RCE-3 to spud
       ter of 2022 due to higher crude oil production  project will highlight the reserves potential of the  in late December/early January 2023, and mobi-
       and better netbacks from natural gas sales.  western section of the Tapir block. The Compa-  lisation of the camp facilities is underway. Civil
         Capital raised at the time of Admission to  ny’s plans are to explore the east half of the Tapir  works on the pad are nearing completion. Subse-
       AIM has been deployed on a successful two  block with a second seismic shoot in 2024. The  quent to completion of RCE-3, both RCE-4 and
       well drilling campaign at Rio Cravo on the Tapir  Arrow Team continues to execute our strategy to  RCE-5 will follow in sequence.
       Block in Colombia, both of which were on pro-  increase shareholder value.”  Carrizales Norte: After drilling RCE-3,
       duction for most of the quarter.       Operations Update, Colombia, RCS-1 and  RCE-4 and RCE-5, the same drilling rig will be
         At the end of the quarter, positive working  RCE-1 Workovers: The workover of RCS-1 and  moved to the Carrizales Norte field.
       capital position of $7.4mn and a cash position  RCE-1 is in progress and the wells are continuing   Currently, Arrow is building a road and pad
       of $11mn.                           to clean-up. Due to electrical storms in the area  for the Carrizales Norte field. The road and pads
         Generation  of  positive  cashflows  in  Q3  causing power outages, the clean-up of the wells  are expected to be completed in mid-February
       means that the Company is committing to a fur-  is taking longer than expected.  2023.
       ther drilling programme.               RCS-1, the first well to be worked over, is cur-  The spud of Carrizales 1 is anticipated to
         Subsequent to Q3 2022, the Company also  rently producing at 660 bpd of oil (gross), 330  begin in the latter part of Q1 2023 with Car-
       completed two workovers to the RCE-1 and  bpd of oil (net) with daily decreases to water cut  rizales 2 expected to spud immediately thereaf-
       RCS-1 wells and has tied in the East Pepper well.  and corresponding increases in oil production.  ter, followed by a contingent Carrizales 3.
         Outlook: The Company expects to com-  Prior to the workover, the well was producing   Tapir Seismic: The Company has received all
       mence drilling, around the end of 2022, the first  330 bpd of oil (gross).  commensurate approvals to proceed with the
       of five additional wells – three wells at Rio Cravo   RCS-1 has shown a 330 bpd of oil (gross)  100 km2 seismic programme.
       and two wells at Carrizales Norte on the Tapir  increase since the recompletion procedure. The   The Company is permitting and moving
       Block.                              production gain results in payout of the worko-  equipment and personnel to the programme
         The Company anticipates the robust CAPEX  ver cost in 17 days at current Brent prices.  area on the west side of the Tapir field.
       programme will be funded from cash on hand   An upper unit in the Carbonara 7A was per-  The estimated cost of the seismic programme
       and cashflow from operations.       forated and flowed 330 bpd of oil (gross) after  is $5mn gross ($2.5mn net to Arrow) and is
         Robust operational tempo ensures that the  stabilising. Management believes a thin shale  expected to provide multiple prospects beyond
       Company is on track to achieve 3,000 bpd of oil  barrier bifurcates the C7A. It is apparent that a  what has been identified on the coarse 2D seis-
       within 18 months of the AIM listing (H1 2023).  thin shale break prevents inflow from the C7A  mic grid.
         Arrow continues to focus on shareholder  main sand, which has superior reservoir char-  Processing and interpretation of the seismic
       value, improving its strong balance sheet, and  acteristics akin to RCE-2. Arrow now plans to  will take place over Q2 2023 with drilling plans
       free cash flow.                     perforate the C7A in RCS-1 as it is the highest  to be pursued in Q4 2023.
         Marshall Abbott, CEO of Arrow Explora-  reservoir in the pool. The Company expects that   This robust operational tempo is expected to
       tion Corp., commented: “We have initiated the  RCS-1 should have a comparable flow rate to  see the Company achieve 3,000 bpd of oil within
       largest capital programme in the history of the  RCE-2, where C7A is currently producing 1,025  18 months of the AIM listing (H1 2023). Fur-
       Company. Arrow has successfully executed the  bpd of oil (gross)/512 bpd of oil (net) with a flat  thermore, the integrated seismic and geological
       two workovers with production improving daily.  water cut.               data will provide significant running room for
       The plan to add further perforations to RCS-1   RCE-1, the second recompletion, is continu-  production growth on the Tapir Block.
       provides additional and material production  ing to show a high water-cut as it cleans-up. Prior   Corporate Production: Corporate produc-
       increase potential. The RCE infill drilling pro-  to the workover, the C7A was flowing at 110 bpd  tion in November 2022 to date ranges between
       gramme will aid in achieving our 3,000 (net)  of oil (gross) with a very high water cut. The  1,900 boepd and 2,000 boepd net. Total net pro-
       [bpd of oil] production target in H1 2023. The  C7A Stringer was then perforated and is slowly  duction from the Rio Cravo field is 887 bpd of
       low risk Carrizales Norte project has significant  recovering. Production continues to increase  oil. Contribution from the workover programme
       production and reserve potential. In addition,  daily, currently at 90-110 bpd of oil (gross), and  continues to increase Rio Cravo’s production.
       the West Tapir seismic project is expected to add  water cut continues to decrease daily as the well   Arrow Exploration, November 29 2022

       Week 48   30•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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