Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 48 2022
P. 16
Amarinth wins further order
from VWS Westgarth of
titanium API 610 OH2 pumps
for FPSO ONE Guyana
Amarinth, a world-leading, net-zero designer
and manufacturer of low life-cycle cost cen-
trifugal pumps and associated equipment,
primarily for the offshore and onshore oil &
gas industries; nuclear and renewable energy
generation; defence; desalination; process and
industrial markets, has won a further order from
VWS Westgarth for two titanium API 610 OH2
pumps for use aboard the FPSO ONE Guyana,
which is destined for the Yellowtail development multi-purpose hull with several standardised and controlled indebtedness and solid liquidity
project, Guyana. topsides modules. prospects allowed Petrobras to declare BRL13.80
The Yellowtail development project com- Oliver Brigginshaw, Managing Director of per common and preferred share in shareholder
prises of six drill centres and up to 26 production Amarinth, commented: “We are delighted that remuneration in 2022. It is important to note
and 25 injection wells. Located some 200 km off- VWS Westgarth has placed a further order with that the Brazilian government receives about
shore Guyana, the deepwater wells will be tied Amarinth for these titanium API 610 OH2 37% of this total, the largest single portion, in
back to the ONE Guyana FPSO vessel for pro- pumps. This builds on our successful delivery of addition to being benefited by the payment of
cessing. The ONE Guyana FPSO will perform a previous order to VWS Westgarth and further taxes, which reached a record for the first nine
produced water treatment functions as well as underlines our capabilities in supplying API 610 months of the year of BRL222bn.
oil separation and gas injection. It will have an pumps, manufactured in exotic alloys, which In this context, the new SP 2023-27 was pre-
optimum production capacity of 250,000 bar- will operate reliably in the extremely arduous pared preserving the Company’s vision, values,
rels per day (bpd) of oil and a storage capacity of conditions experienced on FPSO vessels.” and purpose. The strategies were maintained,
2mn barrels of crude oil, gas treatment capacity Amarinth, November 28 2022 with the exception of those related to Environ-
of 450mn cubic feet (12.74mn cubic metres) per mental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Inno-
day and water injection capacity of 300,000 bpd. Petrobras approves vation, which were improved. With the vision of
VWS Westgarth approached Amarinth “Being the best energy company in value gen-
for the two titanium API 610 OH2 chemically Strategic Plan 2023-2027 eration, focused on oil and gas, sustainability,
enhanced backwash pumps following the suc- safety, respect for people and the environment,”
cessful delivery of similar pumps to the company Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors Petrobras preserves its values in the SP 2023-27:
by Amarinth for two FPSO vessels operating off approved, in a meeting held today, the Strate- (i) Respect for life, people and the
Brazil. gic Plan for the five-year period 2023-2027 (SP environment;
To handle the highly corrosive fluid, all wet- 2023-27). Throughout 2022, Petrobras delivered (ii) Ethics and transparency;
ted parts of the pumps will be manufactured in an operational and financial performance in line (iii) Overcoming and trust;
titanium, including the casings, impellers and with its commitment to generate value for soci- (iv) Market and results orientation.
shafts. Titanium is a difficult material to work ety and shareholders and in full adherence with Furthermore, the company maintains its pur-
with and must be cast under a full vacuum using the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, showing the Com- pose of “Providing energy that ensures prosper-
copper crucibles to prevent the molten titanium pany’s resilience and solidity, and thus increasing ity in an ethical, safe, and competitive manner.”
attacking the crucible walls. The UK has one of the degree of confidence in achieving its goals. The SP 2023-27 proposes a set of strategies
only a few foundries in the world with the capa- From an operational standpoint, in the first aimed at Petrobras’ effective contribution to a
bility to cast the large titanium components nine months of 2022, the Company maintained prosperous and sustainable future, such as: (i)
necessary for the pumps. In addition, Amarinth a solid performance delivering significant deliver sustainable results for a society in tran-
has a strong relationship with its supply chain advances in its operations. sition, by acting in business with social and
enabling it to procure hard to source titanium From a financial standpoint, the Company environmental responsibility, safety, integrity
components. continued on its path of delivering consistent and transparency, strengthening its low-carbon
The API 610 OH2 pumps will be ATEX Zone and sustainable results. The capital structure was positioning; (ii) maximise the value of the port-
2 certified for hazardous areas with IECEx cer- maintained at a healthy level and cash reached folio, with a focus on deepwater and ultra-deep-
tified motors. With very limited space within a level more compatible with the Company’s water assets; (iii) add value to the refining park,
the FPSO vessel, the design includes a bespoke financial needs. The Company delivered solid with more efficient processes and new products;
baseplate that incorporates a local control station financial results, reaching the first and second (iv) strengthen the integration of marketing and
within its footprint. The pumps will be supplied highest quarterly EBITDA and operating cash logistics activities; and (v) innovate to generate
on a tight 38-week lead time, which is necessary flow marks in its history, in the second and third value in business, today and in the future, and
to fit the FPSO build, which is being under- quarters of 2022, respectively. The generation achieve the goals in decarbonisation.
taken in China and combines the new build, of operating cash flow associated with stable Petrobras, November 30 2022
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 48 30•November•2022