Page 9 - GLNG Week 03 2023
P. 9
Wison marks beginning of work on FLNG for
Marine XII block offshore Republic of Congo
FLOATING LNG CHINA’S Wison Offshore & Marine has offi- the Chinese company noted.
cially started work on a floating LNG (FLNG) The newbuild vessel will be the second FLNG
vessel that will be installed at the Marine XII unit installed at Marine XII. Eni acquired the
block, located offshore Republic of Congo first unit – the 600,000 tpy Tango FLNG, built by
(ROC). Wison and finished in 2017– for the project last
In a statement, Wison said that one of its sub- August. Tango FLNG is due to begin production
sidiaries, Wison (Nantong) Heavy Industry, had later this year, and together with the larger vessel,
marked the beginning of construction in a cer- it will raise Eni’s production capacity at Marine
emony on January 17. The event was attended XII to 3mn tpy.
by about 200 people, including representatives Eni has not disclosed the value of its FLNG
of Eni, the Italian operator of Marine XII, it said. construction contract with Wison. The Italian
When finished and launched in 2025, the major is installing the FLNG units at Marine
FLNG vessel will have a production capacity of XII within the framework of a plan to monetise
2.4mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG. It will be the block’s natural and associated gas reserves.
around 380 metres long and 60 metres wide, with The company already pipes gas from the off-
a draft of 35 metres, and will be capable of stor- shore block to shore for use at two onshore
ing more than 180,000 cubic metres of LNG and thermal power plant (TPPs), Central Électri-
45,000 cubic metres of LPG. que du Congo (CEC) and Central Électrique du
According to Wison, Eni intends to install Djeno (CED), which account for the majority of
the vessel in the Nene Marine section of Marine ROC’s electricity production. It is now looking
XII at a site around 50 km off the coast of Pointe to expand into the LNG export arena in order to
Noire. It will use a submerged swivel Yoke system increase its revenues and meet energy demand
to moor the FLNG unit in 40-metre-deep water, in Europe.
Week 03 19•January•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P9