Page 12 - MEOG Week 43 2022
P. 12
Energean delivers first gas from Karish
ISRAEL LONDON-LISTED explorer Energean this second oil train and the second export riser – are
week delivered first gas from the Karish field off- on track for completion in late 2023”, enabling
shore Israel through its Energean Power floating production to grow to 8 bcm per year.
production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit. Rigas concluded: “We are now focused on
Gas began to flow the day after Israel gave the ramping up production and delivering the full 8
go-ahead after years of preparation, planning bcm capacity through our expansion project to
and controversy. In a press release, the company the Energean Power FPSO.”
said that “preparation for transmission through Commenting on the start of operations,
the gas sales pipeline is progressing and gas sales Welligence Energy Analytics said: “Karish is
to Energean’s customers are expected to com- the third deepwater gas field to be brought on
mence in the next couple of days”. stream offshore Israel. The Tamar field was first
Meanwhile, CEO Mathios Rigas said: “We on stream in 2013 and is operated by Chevron,
have delivered a landmark project that brings Isramco, Mubadala Energy, Dor and Everest.
competition to the Israeli gas market, enhances Leviathan, operated by Chevron, NewMed
security of energy supply in the East Med region Energy and Ratio Petroleum, came on stream
and brings affordable and clean energy that will in 2019.”
displace coal-fired power generation, making a In July, the Israeli military said it had inter-
material impact to the environment.” cepted and shot down three drones launched
Gas is flowing from the Karish Main-02 well by Hezbollah near the Energean Power FPSO
with flowrates being increased. Karish Main-01 during installation at the field. Military spokes-
and Karish Main-03 are expected to begin pro- man Ran Kochav told local media that having
ducing within two to four weeks. received advanced notice about “three hostile
According to a competent person’s report UAVs which approached the airspace over Isra-
(CPR) by DeGolyer and MacNaughton in el’s economic waters”, one of the drones had been
November 2020, the Karish Field contains 1.4 shot down by an Israeli fighter jet, with the other
trillion cubic feet (39.6bn cubic metres) of proven two having been brought down by an air defence
plus probable (2P) gas reserves plus 61mn bar- system on an Israeli Navy corvette.
rels of 2P liquids. This is complemented by 1.1 While noting that the drones were unarmed
tcf (32.2 bcm) of 2P gas and 34.1mn barrels of 2P and part of a reconnaissance mission, Hezbollah
liquids at the Karish North site. said that its “message was delivered”.
Initial capacity from Karish will be 6.5 bcm The recent framework deal between Israel
per year and will gradually attain this level within and Lebanon on demarking their maritime
the next six months. The operator said its “growth boundary is seen as providing security against
projects – the Karish North development, the future attacks.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 43 26•October•2022