Page 14 - MEOG Week 43 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       July-September after reduced demand and   ending 30 June 2022. During the same period,   company Boards for their support and extend
       lower margins.                      Saipem Onshore Drilling generated revenue   my genuine gratitude to all those involved in
         For some years, OMV has been shifting   of $490 million and EBITDA of $124 million   delivering this transaction. I also appreciate
       its growth focus towards high-quality plastics   from its Middle East, Latin America and other   the unrelenting resilience of our teams despite
       such as polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC,   markets.                  the recent adversity and disruption.”
       from oil and gas.                      Once the acquisition is fully completed   Barclays and Houlihan Lokey have acted
         The strategy included integrating plastic-  the combined Group will manage a leading   as financial and debt advisors respectively, to
       maker Borealis, in which it bought shares   global onshore drilling business generating   KCA Deutag on the transaction.
       from Abu Dhabi state investor Mubadala   over 50% of its EBITDA from the Middle East   WORLD OIL
       (MUDEV.UL) for $4.7 billion in 2020. OMV   with more than 11,000 employees globally.
       CEO Stern previously headed Borealis.  Total backlog will increase by $1.8 billion to   ADNOC Drilling delivers new
         Mubadala, which also holds 24.9% in   $6.7 billion.
       OMV, agreed to sell a remaining 25% stake in   The acquisition creates a leading global   world record for longest
       Borealis to ADNOC in April.         onshore drilling business with over $1.7
       REUTERS                             billion in revenue across core geographies in   well
                                           the Middle East and key markets in Europe
                                           and Latin America.                   Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)
       SERVICES                               Joseph Elkhoury KCA Deutag CEO said:   announced today that a new world record for
                                           “Today marks a major and exciting milestone   the longest oil and gas well has been set at its
       KCA Deutag completes                for KCA Deutag. By completing the first and   Upper Zakum Concession.
                                           largest phase of the Saipem Onshore Drilling
                                                                                  Stretching 50,000 feet, the well is around
       first phase of Saipem               acquisition, we will significantly expand and   800 feet longer than the previous world record
                                           upgrade our business in the Middle East, a
                                                                                set in 2017 and supports ADNOC’s efforts
       acquisition                         core market for the Group.”          to expand production capacity of its lower
                                              “Together, we have a unique opportunity to  carbon oil and gas resources to help meet the
       As part of continuing to deliver its growth   build a leading international business, further   world’s growing demand for energy. ADNOC
       strategy and expanding in core markets such   #enhancethebrand and deliver accretive value   Drilling drilled the oil and gas well from
       as the Middle East region, KCA Deutag has   to all our stakeholders: our employees, our   Umm Al Anbar, one of ADNOC Offshore’s
       announced the completion of the largest   customers, our investors and the communities   artificial islands.
       phase of the Saipem SpA’s onshore drilling   where we live and work.”      This extraordinary feat of engineering
       business acquisition.                  “Moving forward, and as we welcome   is part of an extended reach well project
         This first phase encompasses Saudi Arabia,   our new Saipem colleagues to the Group,   designed and led by ADNOC Offshore, in
       UAE and Africa, with Kuwait expected to   our main goal is to proactively collaborate to   collaboration with its Upper Zakum strategic
       follow later in Q4 2022. The acquisition of the   #becomeoneteam and safely deliver a seamless  international partners, ExxonMobil and
       Latin America business together with the rigs   transition to all our customers.”  INPEX/JODCO. The extended reach wells
       in Romania and Kazakhstan will complete in   “By the time the full acquisition is   will tap into an undeveloped part of the giant
       2023.                               complete, we will own and operate more   Upper Zakum reservoir with the potential
         The total consideration payable for Saipem   than 80 additional rigs with around 11,000   to increase the field’s production capacity by
       Onshore Drilling is $550 million in cash and   colleagues across core geographies in the   15,000 barrels of oil per day, without the need
       a 10% equity interest in the Group, with $85   Middle East and key markets in Europe   to expand or build any new infrastructure.
       million of cash consideration to be withheld   and Latin America. This acquisition will   Abdulrahman Abdullah Al Seiari,
       pending completion of the remaining closings.  additionally stimulate growth opportunities   ADNOC Drilling CEO, said: “This incredible
       In addition, Saipem SpA will be entitled to   for Kenera with oilfield services, innovative   achievement is in line with ADNOC Drilling’s
       appoint one board member.           technology and exciting energy transition   quest to deliver increased efficiency for our
         KCA Deutag had revenue of $1.3 billion   solutions.”                   customers as we continue to create greater
       and EBITDA of $254m in the 12 months   “I want to thank our shareholders and both   value for our shareholders. The delivery of this

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   26•October•2022
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