Page 12 - GLNG Week 12 2022
P. 12

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

         The partnership highlights the level   important above all from an energy security   Wärtsilä signs long-term
       of collaboration between ports and other   perspective, which is also why the state is
       key players across the LNG value chain,   willing to financially support the project,   service agreement with
       particularly in the EU. It is vital to continue   writes, an Estonian news website.
       to support infrastructure development   According to electricity and gas system   Brittany Ferries to support
       for LNG and bioLNG now and ensure   operator Elering CEO Taavi Veskimägi, an
       this infrastructure is in place for use with   LNG terminal can only be built once Estonia   new LNG-fuelled ferry
       renewable synthetic LNG in the future.   has resolved to stop importing Russian natural
       By bringing together parties from across   gas. No such decision has yet been made,   The technology group Wärtsilä will provide
       the shipping sector choosing the LNG   however.                          technical support via a long-term service
       pathway, SEA-LNG supports investment and   So long as natural gas continues to flow   agreement for its broad scope of solutions
       development in the ecosystem of assets and   from Russia, Incukalns Underground Gas   installed on Brittany Ferries’ latest RoPax
       infrastructure that allow businesses to rapidly   Storage in Latvia will continue to be filled in   vessel, the ‘Salamanca’. The 10-year agreement
       adopt LNG as a marine fuel around the world.  order to ensure a sufficient supply for next   was signed in December 2021. The ferry will
         Port of Zeebrugge is one of the world’s   season, Veskimägi said.      be inaugurated on March 25 and make its first
       leading roll-on/roll-off ports, and in 2021   Additional supply chains should be sought   commercial sailing from Portsmouth, UK to
       transhipped 49.1mn tons of goods. The   out at the same time as well, such as bringing   Bilbao, Spain on March 27.
       deep-sea container terminal, CSP Zeebrugge   in additional gas from the Klaipeda LNG   The ’Salamanca’ is the first LNG-fuelled
       Terminal, is located adjacent to the open   terminal in Lithuania. Once the recently   passenger ferry to operate from the U.K. The
       sea and the main shipping routes of north-  completed Gas Interconnection Poland-  vessel’s multi-fuel Wärtsilä engines are also
       western Europe.                     Lithuania (GIPL) pipeline goes online on May   adapted to utilise even cleaner fuels, such as
         Infrastructure for storing and transferring   1, however, LNG will begin to be shipped   synthetic or bio-methane, as and when they
       LNG marine fuel has been installed and used   from Klaipeda to Poland.   become available.
       at the Port of Zeebrugge since 1987. The port   “The 30 terawatt-hours, which is the   “We have a responsibility to operate as
       is one of the main hubs for LNG supply in   capacity of the Klaipeda terminal, surely won’t   environmentally efficiently as possible and
       the region, receiving pipelines from Norway   all remain in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and   the choice of LNG-fuelled propulsion is in
       and the UK, and vessel imports from Qatar.   Finland,” the Elering CEO explained. “Part   line with this commitment,” says Arnaud
       The port’s LNG terminal, operated by Fluxys,   of this will be heading toward Poland via the   Le Poulichet, Director Engineering and
       offers regasification and provides distribution   Lithuanian-Polish connection.”  Maintenance Brittany Ferries. “The advanced
       in Belgium and across the European network   Earlier this month, the EU set a deadline   technical support provided by Wärtsilä will
       in pipelines, trucks or ships. Onsite storage   of 2027 for achieving independence from   optimise the ship’s operational performance,
       is equal to 9bn m³ LNG per year. Port of   Russian energy sources. Minister of Economic   thus further raising its level of sustainability.”
       Zeebrugge has broad expertise and valuable   Affairs and Infrastructure Taavi Aas (Centre   The extensive scope of the service
       experience due to its long-standing and   Party) warned, however, that Russia may   agreement includes remote operational
       pivotal role in European LNG markets.  respond by ending the sale of natural gas to   support and Wärtsilä’s unique Expert Insight
       SEA-LNG, March 24, 2022             Europe. Which is why the minister submitted   digital predictive maintenance solution.
                                           a proposal to the Estonian government last   Expert Insight combines artificial intelligence
       Estonia considering                 week for the construction of a temporary   (AI) techniques and advanced diagnostics
                                                                                with the company’s OEM expertise to identify
                                           LNG terminal in Paldiski.
       building LNG terminal in            ready as such,” Aas highlighted, noting that   anomalous equipment or system behaviour. It
                                              “This area is already essentially terminal-
                                                                                proactively identifies and highlights potential
       Paldiski                            fuel seller Alexela had already completed a   failures allowing appropriate actions to be
                                           significant amount of preliminary work in
                                                                                taken, thus ensuring optimal uptime.
       At the proposal of the minister of economic   that regard. “Now the matter of how to build   The agreement also includes long-term
       affairs, the Estonian state is considering   this rapidly and what the guarantees should   maintenance planning emphasising a fully
       building an LNG terminal in the Northern   be – these must still be decided.”  controlled and optimised maintenance
       Estonian port town of Paldiski. The                                      budget. With round-the-clock technical
       establishing of this terminal would be                                   and operational support provided from

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