Page 8 - GLNG Week 12 2022
P. 8

GLNG                                              EUROPE                                               GLNG

       HEH invites expressions of interest

       for German LNG terminal

        PROJECTS &       HANSEATIC Energy Hub (HEH) is pushing  also receive low-carbon fuels such as bio- and
        COMPANIES        ahead with its planned Stade LNG import ter-  synthetic LNG, the company said, and at a later
                         minal in north Germany, inviting market par-  stage climate-neutral ammonia, which can serve
                         ticipants on March 21 to submit expressions of  as a carrier for hydrogen energy, which is set to
                         interest (EoIs) in its capacity.     play a major role in Germany’s decarbonisation
                           HEH held a non-binding phase for the 12bn  plans.
                         cubic metre per year terminal’s capacity early last   “The interest in the future German LNG
                         year, and said the result showed there was jus-  market is increasingly strong,” HEH managing
                         tification for the project. But the developer has  partner Johann Killinger commented. “With the
                         held off on undertaking a binding phase because  expression of interest process starting today, we
                         of unstable market conditions over the last year.  are creating the foundation to quickly carry out   HEH estimates
                           HEH’s decision to hold the phase now comes  the binding open seas process. We have done our
                         after Germany’s government announced late  homework, and with our strong partners we are   that Stade LNG
                         last month that it would support the develop-  ready to make our contribution to the diversifi-
                         ment of LNG terminals as a means of weaning  cation of German energy imports.”  could cover as
                         the country off Russian gas. The government has   HEH is joined at the project by Belgian
                         also halted the certification process for the Nord  gas infrastructure operator Fluxys and Part-  much as 10%
                         Stream 2 pipeline, meaning the long-delayed  ners Group, a global private markets firm with   of German gas
                         Russian project’s fate is now up in the air.  $127bn of assets under management. Another
                           Market participants can express their interest  company involved is Hamburg-based Buss   demand.
                         in Stade LNG’s capacity between March 21 and  Group, which operates in the port, global ship-
                         April 8, HEH said. The permitting process for  ping and wind energy sectors.
                         the project is ongoing, with permit documents   HEH’s announcement comes after Germa-
                         for the terminal and port due to be submitted  ny’s state-owned investment group KfW signed
                         before Easter, the company said.     a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on
                           Stade LNG is one of three planned LNG ter-  March 4 with Dutch gas grid operator Gasunie
                         minals in Germany. The government explicitly  and German energy group RWE on the devel-
                         referred to the other two terminals due to be  opment of the Brunsbuettel facility. This week,
                         built in Brunsbuettel and Wilhelmshaven when  Shell signed a separate MoU on the import of
                         it announced its support for LNG last month, but  LNG through the planned terminal. Germany
                         did not mention Stade LNG.           is also understood to be arranging a long-term
                           HEH estimates that Stade LNG could cover  LNG supply deal with Qatar to displace the gas
                         as much as 10% of German gas demand. It can  it currently gets from Russia. (See next story)™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   25•March•2022
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