Page 16 - MEOG Week 07 2021
P. 16

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       southern Iran announced.            and its accessories, including floating and   According to Maleki, the total length of
         Vahid Maleki put the capacity of this   submersible hoses, weigh nearly 800 tons and   the offshore pipelines of the Jask oil terminal
       SPM system at 7,000 cubic meters per   will be installed and fixed to the seafloor at a   is about 45 kilometers, including six parts of
       hour (equivalent to one million barrels per   depth of 48 meters.        36-inch pipelines.
       day) and said: “Soon, with the installation   He also announced the beginning of the   In line with the development of the
       of this offshore structure at a distance of   construction of the second 36-inch offshore   mentioned oil terminal, a pipeline project,
       approximately six kilometers from Makran   oil pipeline of the terminal, saying: “The shore   dubbed Goreh-Jask oil transfer project, is also
       coast, the early phase of this project will go   pulling operation of the 2.5-kilometer offshore  underway which is going to provide Iran with
       operational.”                       pipeline, which will be connected to the SPM,   an alternative route for the country’s crude oil
         As the country’s second major oil terminal,   has been started by Sea-Master vessel and is   exports that are currently carried out through
       Jask terminal is under construction by Pars   expected to be completed by the end of this   the Strait of Hormuz.
       Oil and Gas Company (POGC) on 60 hectares  week.”                        TEHRAN TIMES
       of land and with nearly €260 million of   The construction of the first 36-inch
       investment.                         offshore oil pipeline of the export terminal
         According to Maleki, this SPM system   was completed in late January.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2021
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