Page 13 - MEOG Week 07 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                            TENDERS                                               MEOG

       ADNOC strengthens Japan

       ties, awards Cosmo Block 4

        UAE              ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) last  holding the rights to several portions of offshore
                         week awarded exploration rights for Offshore  acreage in the north-west, including the produc-
                         Block 4 to the local subsidiary of Japan’s Cosmo  ing Mubarraz and Hail oilfields.
                         Energy as part of the emirate’s second competi-  Meanwhile, in January, subsidiary Cosmo Oil
                         tive bid round.                      Co. agreed a deal with ADNOC and ICE Futures
                           As has become the pattern for ADNOC,  Abu Dhabi (IFAD) to explore opportunities to
                         the Japanese company, which is the majority  link crude pricing with reference to the new
                         owner of Abu Dhabi Oil Co. (ADOC) and is  ICE Murban Crude Oil Futures. Meanwhile,
                         predominantly known as a refining specialist,  last year, Japan’s Agency for Natural Resources
                         was awarded a 100% stake in the exploration  and Energy signed a deal to store more than
                         phase. It will also hold rights to the develop-  8mn barrels of ADNOC crude, expanding and
                         ment and production phases of any successful  extending a deal that had lapsed a year earlier.
                         commercial discovery, at which point ADNOC   Cosmo is also not the first Japanese firm to
                         has the option to take its customary 60% share.  have success in ADNOC’s recent concession
                         The contract was signed for a term of 35 years,  auctions.
                         with Cosmo agreeing to spend up to $145mn   In 2019, ADNOC awarded the Onshore
                         on exploration and appraisal drilling, including  Block 4 to Japan’s Inpex following the 2018
                         a participation fee, across the 4,865-square km  licensing round, with the company’s wholly
                         offshore concession.                 owned JODCO Exploration subsidiary holding
                           The deal follows similar agreements in  rights to the 6,116-square km area, which runs
                         December with US-based Occidental Petro-  parallel to the offshore concession.
                         leum for onshore Block 5 and with a consortium   Meanwhile, the countries’ partnership has
                         of Italy’s Eni and Thailand’s PTT Exploration and  expanded beyond oil in recent months and
                         Production (PTTEP) for Offshore Block 3.  Al Jaber noted that the latest award “under-
                           As with those agreements, ADNOC noted  scores, once more, the important role of energy
                         that Cosmo would “leverage and contribute  co-operation in enhancing economic relations
                         financially and technically” to the ongoing mega  between the UAE and Japan as we focus on the
                         seismic survey currently being carried out by  post [coronavirus (COVID-19)] recovery”.
                         China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) geo-  Last month, ADNOC and Japan’s Ministry of
                         physical specialist subsidiary BGP.   Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) agreed to
                           The scope of the 3D onshore and offshore  collaborate on initiatives in fuel ammonia and
                         survey was recently expanded from around  carbon recycling as Tokyo seeks to shore up a
                         53,000 square km to 82,000 square km, taking  blue ammonia supply chain.
                         the total value of the contract to $2.12bn.  A memorandum of co-operation was signed
                           ADNOC added: “The data already acquired  by ADNOC’s Al-Jaber and METI Minister Hiro-
                         over a large part of [Offshore Block 4], combined  shi Kajiyama during the UAE’s virtual business
                         with its proximity to existing oil and gas fields,  trip to Japan.
                         suggests the concession area has promising   The announcement follows comments made
                         potential.” The acreage is located north-west of  a week earlier by METI director-general of oil,
                         Abu Dhabi city.                      gas and mineral resources Ryo Minami that
                                                              Japan is planning to develop a supply chain of
                         Strong bonds                         blue ammonia produced from natural gas “pos-
                         The deal was signed by HE Dr. Sultan Ahmed  sibly” in the Middle East by the late 2020s.™
                         Al Jaber, the UAE’s Minister of Industry and
                         Advanced Technology and ADNOC Group
                         CEO, and Cosmo CEO Hiroshi Kiriyama, with
                         both alluding to their “strong” and “long-stand-
                         ing relationship”.
                           Al Jaber said: “This concession award builds
                         on our long-standing relationship with Cosmo
                         and reinforces the deep-rooted and successful
                         strategic relationship between the UAE and
                         Japan, ADNOC’s largest importer of oil and gas
                           Cosmo-led ADOC has the accolade of own-
                         ing the sole upstream concession in Abu Dhabi
                         to be wholly owned by foreign shareholders,

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