Page 10 - MEOG Week 07 2021
P. 10

MEOG                                   FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            MEOG

       Petrostates to lose trillions of dollars in

       revenues amid clean energy push: report

        GLOBAL           A new report estimates that the shift towards  past decade. Suriname is set to see the biggest
                         lower-carbon energy will cost oil and gas pro-  percentage shortfall of 94%, as most of its oil
                         ducing countries trillions of dollars in govern-  reserves are yet to be developed, followed by
                         ment revenues over the next two decades.  Timor-Leste, Colombia, Cameroon and Sudan.
                           The findings by Carbon Tracker are a   Among countries in the former Soviet Union
                         “wake-up call” for countries heavily reliant on oil  (FSU), Ukraine is set to see a 74% shortfall, while
                         and gas to fund public spending to diversify their  Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan are antic-
                         economies. Carbon Tracker has also called on  ipated to have deficits of 68%, 47% and 41%.
                         richer states to help those with weaker finances  Turkmenistan is near the bottom of the rankings,
                         to make the transition towards cleaner energy.  with a shortfall of only 2%.
                           The Beyond Petrostates report focuses on 40   In the Middle East, the country expected to
                         countries with the greatest fiscal dependence on  have the biggest shortfall is Bahrain, of 70%. It
                         oil and gas revenues. These so-called petrostates  is followed by Oman (54%), Egypt (45%), Saudi
                         are predominantly in the Middle East, North and  Arabia (44%), Qatar (41%), Iran (39%), Kuwait
                         West Africa and South America. They stand to  (38%), the UAE (34%), Iraq (30%) and Yemen
                         see a 51% drop in these revenues as the world  (0%).
                         makes the transition to renewables and other   Carbon Tracker then assesses countries’
                         low-carbon energy sources.           vulnerability to the energy transition based on
                           While hydrocarbons will continue to domi-  their dependency on these revenues. The coun-
                         nant the world’s energy mix for decades to come,  tries ranked as the most vulnerable in Tier 5 are
                         the International Energy Agency (IEA) and  Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Equatorial Guinea,
                         others have slashed long-term demand fore-  Oman, South Sudan and Timor-Leste. The least
                         casts over the past, in light of the coronavirus  vulnerable countries in Tier 1 are Colombia,
                         (COVID-19) pandemic and an accelerated push  Egypt and Papua New Guinea. Myanmar, Turk-
                         by countries to decarbonise their economies.  menistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Yemen have
                         This has led to producers reducing their price  no ranking because of a lack of data.
                         predictions and writing off billions of dollars of   The biggest producers in the FSU region,
                         production assets no longer viewed as commer-  Russia and Kazakhstan, are both ranked in Tier
                         cially viable.                       3. In the Middle East, Iran, Qatar, the UAE are
                           “Populations that are heavily reliant on fos-  Tier 3, while Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are
                         sil-fuel production face lower government  in Tier 4.
                         revenues and job losses as the pace and inevita-  Some 400mn people live in the 19 most vul-
                         bility of the energy transition increases,” Carbon  nerable petrostates, rated as Tier 4 and 5, and ten
                         Tracker states.                      of these countries are categorised as “low” in the
                           “Compared with industry expectations,  UN Human Development Index.
                         petrostates’ government revenues would be $9   “The populations of economies that are heav-
                         trillion lower over the next two decades under  ily reliant on fossil-fuel production are perhaps
                         the low-carbon scenario. The majority of this  the most obvious examples where the transition
                         decrease is driven by lower prices, rather than  will also have some negatives, for example, lower
                         lower volumes.”                      government revenues and job losses,” Carbon
                           The report, which will be launched on Feb-  Tracker says. “Decisive and forward-looking
                         ruary 24, attempts to quantify the potential  policies will be required to prevent and mitigate
                         shortfall in revenues under a low-carbon sce-  these impacts, both on the part of domestic poli-
                         nario compared with budget receipts over the  cymakers and the overseas community.”™

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