Page 7 - MEOG Week 07 2021
P. 7

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                           A sizeable glut in supply began emerging in  98mn tpy by that stage, or 91% of its capacity,
                         2019 and only grew larger last year as the corona-  while Australia’s utilisation will only be 86%, or
                         virus (COVID-19) pandemic sapped demand.  76mn tpy, according to Rystad.
                         After record numbers in the previous year, only   Expectations are that the market will tighten
                         one FID was taken on new liquefaction capacity  by the time NFE is up and running, and QP has
                         in 2020, at Sempra Energy’s Costa Azul export  already booked some of its planned capacity spe-
                         project in Mexico.                   cifically for buyers in Europe. “I’m not worried
                           Qatar has nevertheless pushed ahead with  about the marketing side of it,” al-Kaabi said.
                         NFE, emboldened by its low costs of production.  Qatar also wants to build carbon, capture and
                           “At a long-term breakeven price of just over  storage (CCS) capacity to store NFE’s emissions,
                         $4 per mmBtu, it’s right at the bottom of the  in order to assuage increasingly climate-con-
                         global LNG cost curve, alongside Arctic Russian  scious LNG buyers, particularly in Europe.
                         projects,” Wood Mackenzie research director  Renewable energy will also play a major role in
                         Giles Farrer commented. “Qatar is pursuing  powering its facilities.
                         market share. This FID is likely to put pressure   QP still wants to bring on board partners
                         on other pre-FID LNG suppliers, who may find  at NFE, even though it has said it is willing to
                         Qatar has secured a foothold in new markets.”  go ahead with the project alone if necessary. A
                           QP is also working on a second expansion  decision on partnerships will be made by the
                         phase known as North Field South (NFS),  end of this year, al-Kaabi said. ExxonMobil,
                         which would take its capacity to 126mn tpy. It  Royal Dutch Shell, Total and ConocoPhillips are
                         hired McDermott for front-end engineering  long-serving partners at existing Qatari LNG
                         and design (FEED) work on the project last  plants.
                         month. And according to al-Kaabi, the exporter   QP began shortlisting partners for NFE in
                         is currently evaluating a further increase beyond  2019, and had intended to make its choices last
                         126mn tpy.                           year, but the coronavirus pandemic disrupted
                           Wood Mackenzie estimates that QP will  the process.
                         have more than 75mn tpy of uncontracted LNG   The FID demonstrates QP’s confidence in
                         volumes to sell by 2027, representing 70% of its  the project, although the exporter will still want
                         supply portfolio. With 110mn tpy of total pro-  partners to share costs and risks and assist with
                         duction capacity by 2030, Qatar will account for  offtake.
                         nearly a fifth of the global total.    According to al-Kaabi, QP is in talks with
                           However, Norwegian consultancy Rystad  Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and others to
                         Energy estimates that its actual production is  take a 30% stake in the expansion. Several Asian
                         likely to reach 107mn tpy by the end of the dec-  LNG buyers are also interested in participating
                         ade. The US will likely be producing at a rate of  and QP is assessing their offers, he said.™

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